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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Iran will be no pushover

Iran will be no pushover

The Communist Party (Maoist) of Afghanistan , which has already united to build a military resistance movement to the US occupation has had to thank the The Communist Party of Iran (MLM) for its help in forging such unity. But there are recent speculations that the US has plans to go into Iran. If they do, they may find that the opposition has had way more experience than the groups bogging us down presently in Iraq,

The Communist Party of Iran (MLM):

"has demonstrated a comradely internationalist spirit and made qualitative contributions throughout the process of uniting the MLM movement of Afghanistan. Our Congress greatly appreciates this contribution and we hope our joint struggle in the region further strengthens our relationship in the future.

The common ground that was established in the process of struggle further advanced the communist movement of Afghanistan. One of the important aspects of the unification was the joint resolutions issued by the organisations participating in the unity process.

The Unity Congress of the communist (MLM) movement of Afghanistan as the final step of the process to unite the MLM movement in a single party, that is, the Communist Party of Afghanistan (Maoist), was held by the Communist Party of Afghanistan, the Struggle Organisation for the Liberation of Afghanistan, and the Revolutionary Unity of Workers of Afghanistan.

The Congress began with the singing of the Internationale anthem. The participants engaged in an active struggle that culminated in a successful Congress. In adopting the Programme and the Constitution of the Party, as well as in electing the members of the leadership of the Party, they demonstrated a great spirit of internationalism. The report to the Congress was received and discussed by the Congress enthusiastically. The discussion of different sections of the Draft Programme and Constitution of the Party was marked by excellent struggle and a spirit of unity. The Programme and Constitution both were adopted by unanimous vote. In electing the leadership a high proletarian spirit was manifested by all the participant comrades.

Another strong point of the Congress was a message from the RIM Committee to the congress, which was received with great appreciation and enthusiasm. In response, the keynote speaker of the Congress reciprocated by expressing appreciation of the message. The Congress decided to deliver a comradely message in response to the RIM Committee's message.

The message to the Congress from the Communist Party of Iran (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist) demonstrated its internationalist spirit as well as its keen interest in uniting the Maoist movement of Afghanistan in a single communist party. The Congress will respond to the message, showing its great appreciation for the comradely endeavours of the Communist Party of Iran (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist).

In the unity process, the communist movement of Afghanistan was inspired by the advances of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) on the path of people's war. In the midst of holding the Congress we learned that the People's War in Nepal has made new advances, and this heightened the enthusiasm of our Congress. The Congress salutes the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and will send a message to this party.

The role of internationalist struggle of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA in preparing revolution in the USA, as well as in opposing the war of aggression led by US imperialism specifically in Afghanistan, is crucial to the international communist movement and to the people's resistance movement world-wide. At the present time, as Afghanistan is directly occupied by the US and its allies, the unity between our two people's struggles is an important task. We salute the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA and hope their struggle continues to be heightened."

There is also the Mojahedin, Iran, an armed organization that formed to oppose the Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi regime


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