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Monday, January 23, 2006

ROE v. WADE/ the Fetus vs. women

Abortion opponents rallied in Washington today, to stop abortion. They don’t just oppose abortion on demand for those who use it as birth control, the want to remove all exceptions so that they, not doctors, not family, can decide that the life of a fetus is more important than that of a woman

According to The Wichita Eagle, Jan. 23, 2006:
"You have championed a cause that had defined our nation," said Deborah Kline speeking for her husband Attorney General Phill Kline. "Kansas is now leading our nation in the restoration of the meaning of life."
Bishop Michael Jackels, of Wichita, told the crowd that human life was created in God's own likeness and that it should be respected.
He said that when fetuses are not protected, everyone should be concerned. He said the same ethic that applies to the unborn could apply to everyone.
"None of us are safe," he said.

The women sure won’t be if these anti-abortionists get what they want.

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