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Saturday, February 25, 2006

Steal from the Native American Indians? Yes – we still do it

The Indian wars are over, right? We white folks no longer steal land from the Indians, right? Wrong. It never really stops. Consider this from URGENT! TAKE ACTION FOR BIG MOUNTAIN:

“Dear Friends of the Indigenous Peoples of Big Mountain, Black Mesa, AZ.

Something critical is about to happen concerning the traditional communities on Big Mountain and surrounding areas on Black Mesa. Today, more than 30 years after the passage of Public Law 93 - 531, the original Navajo-Hopi Relocation bill, a new bill is before Congress that sets a new timetable for the forced relocation of a number of Navajo families on Black Mesa. Senate bill S. 1003 is now on the Senate Calendar and may be passed at anytime without debate or serious consideration unless the public acts now. The last major relocation bill was approved by the Senate within a month after being placed on the Senate Calendar and stayed in the House of Representatives less than a week before becoming law. It's difficult to convey the serious nature of these new developments. The passage of this bill would effectively devastate these traditional communities of Navajo, or Dineh, stripping them of their identity and way of life which is tied into the land itself.

Native people's lives and livelihoods are on the line!....”

We may not fight them, but we still rob them.

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