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Sunday, April 30, 2006

It’s official - Rush Limbaugh is a junkie

Rush is in trouble again. The lock’em up, throw away the key man, can’t even follow his own advice.

According to MSNBC, April 29, 2006:

“WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - A three-year investigation into drug use by Rush Limbaugh ended abruptly when the conservative commentator was booked on a single charge of prescription fraud in a deal his attorney says spares him a trial.

The charge will be dropped if Limbaugh continues treatment, attorney Roy Black said Friday.

“He feels that a great burden has been lifted from his shoulders,” he said. “What he told me is that this is the first day of the rest of his life.”

All a commentator can say is:

Ha! Ha! Haaaa!!!!!

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