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Thursday, April 27, 2006

Missing in action – the Democratic Party

The Democrats have been missing in action for some
time. They just don't get it. They jettisoned the
people with social interests, Women's groups, unions, Afro American interests and many others. They (as a whole) have not come out strongly against the war, although most of their “would be supporters” want that.

This is a party that needs a backbone. Even die-hard democrats are starting to ask why this party can’t take a clear stand on any issue and stick to it?
They have worked hard to win over some white red-necks who are already loyal to
the Republicans. This next election should be a cake
walk for them, yet I'd bet a large sum of money, they
actually loose seats and the presidency. They have to stand for something and give the people a vision before they can beat even the weakest of Republicans.

Who will oppose the war this next election?

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