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Thursday, June 01, 2006

News of Bush’s stupidity a broken record

It is now June and the news just repeats itself. Day after day, the war in Iraq gets worse. It also gets worse in Afghanistan. There is growing unrest in Pakistan. They had a democracy, which was overthrown by a military coup. But Western governments and their pundits seemed to welcome the end of elected government there, while President George Bush escalates a war in a country where he said we needed to “plant democracy.”

The economy is in shambles, the Patriot Act and other new techniques, are whittling away at our liberties and no one in congress has lifted a finger to do anything about it.

Bush is like a wooden dummy in the lap of the “un-known ventriloquist.” A man with a bag over his head is actually doing the talking. Those of us who are not brain dead realize the man has less intelligence than a wooden dummy and has to carefully read prepared speeches that some has written for him.

It’s getting harder and harder to come up with fresh material about Bush and his stupidity. We’ve had a term and a half of it and all it does is continue to get worse. How bad can it get? There seems to be no end to it.

There is some hope with riots in France, turmoil in Pakistan, a winning Maoist insurgency in Nepal and here at home a growing number of people determined to topple the Bush government (not just vote him out, but push the whole stinking government and its machinery over).

1 comment:

Klement said...

Good to see your blog, Salamander 8!