Yes the war in Iraq is more than just a peace issue. It’s one more example of a country (ours) that simply refuses to give up its ambitious empire building and playing “world cop.” The other opposition groups in the country are Islamic and want a theocracy. Why would we want to support that? I know I don’t want to live under it.

There are those who oppose this new group with a host of complaints. See the example below:
“- wrfdpdsr13 <wrfdpdsr13@yahoo.com> wrote:> Dear comrades , first thank you for our responses> .........> Regards the www.iraqmlr.org> we have the following critisism about them:> 1.They claim that thier ideaology is the Maoism, but> thier practice > is the opposite for that, this is very obvous from> what appear in > thier web sites which unfortuantly not available in> english and many > comrades my will not confidant what I will say about> them:> > 1.They veiw the socialism as the first stage of> communism and > subsiquently it should be subjucted to pure> communist laws only and > it must reject any need to the use of the economical> drives to > stimulate the workers and the farmares to increase> thier productions > and it should depend only on the mental drive for> this achievments, > while the Maoism according to the teaching of both> Great Mao and > comrade Kim Il Sung is a transitional stage between> capitalism and > communism and subsiquently should subjected to> double laws : the use > of economical drives in addition to the> psychological and > idealogical drives (which came from the applivations> of personality > cult ) to stimulate the workers to increase their > productions .........This principle is the core of> Maoism according > to Mao Tsitung and Kim Il Sung, whithout which the> communist party > is not maoist : in breav the www.iraqmlr.org do not> apply the > economical programe of Maoism and have no disign for> the socialist > system that they struggle to achieve......> > 2.They do not apply the Maoist approach towards the> religione and > the beleivers but instad of this they apply very> agressive anti-> religion approach ( they do not the religious> reactionism only as we > do , but they attach the religion as a whole in way> not related to > Maoism ). When Mao reach to power in china the C.P> of China made > from Mao an God for the chinies and they put Mao to> be of religious > power by put hem as taking a religion power from the> Chinies Gods(I > can express comrade my langauge is weak but the idea> is clear ). > They deny such historical fact about Maoism and> China revolution > that all the world know .....)> > 3.They refuse to deal withe volume 6,7,8,9 of Mao> Tsetung selected > works and the collective works of Mao in 9 volume> till 1949 for > being not published by China officially although> these works > available on the MAI (www.marxists.org), the depend> on > www.marx2mao.com only> > 4.They are too highly dogmatic refuse to confess any> mistak or oild > fashin aspect of marxism aspect in way opposit to> what applied by > the real Maoist parties such as the Maoist communist> party of > Indea .........> > 5.They use the tearm revisionist against any one who> disagree with > hem about any essue even very simple , and as just> simple example on > thier view they disicribe Enver Hoxha ( leader of> socialist > revolution in Albania as being revisionist !!!!!!> for being anti-> maoist while the correct is that the man was> dogmatic not > revisionist ........”
What’s the point of all this complaining? Who else do we support? The web address for this new groups is http://www.iraqmlr.org/ or click on Marxist-Leninist-Revolutionaries (MLR) of IRAQ
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