It was inevitable that the Fighting in Iraq would spill over to Lebanon. The war in Iraq is like a fire that is out of control. Now organizations are spreading to nearby countries where stability is fragile. There is also fighting in parts of Palestine now.
This is the results of the so called "American Century" that President George Bush's people believed they could force on the whole Middle-East.
From the BBC:
"Thousands flee Lebanon violence
Thousands of people have been fleeing from a refugee camp in northern Lebanon after three days of heavy fighting between troops and Islamist militants.
Palestinian residents of the Nahr al-Bared camp were trapped as troops exchanged fire with Fatah al-Islam fighters holed up in the camp.
Witnesses said many took advantage of a lull in the fighting to leave.
UN head of humanitarian affairs John Holmes appealed to the warring sides to allow aid supplies into the camp.
He said it was outrageous that a relief convoy had been forced to turn back after coming under fire on Tuesday.
There was a reduction in the fighting, although sporadic clashes were reported.
UN aid convoys entered the camp to deliver food and water, but one was forced to leave after shells exploded near its vehicles.
'No power, no food'
Witnesses said that as the fighting lessened, a mass exodus began."
It was just a question of time before the Chaos in Iraq would spill over into other countries. Fighting has broken out in Lebanon, a country that had just recovered from a long and bloody civil war. Now there is fighting among the militant Islamic factions of Palestinians and the more secular militias. And today Israel fired missiles into Lebanon. We all know Israel is not going to miss getting in on a good round of violence.
So what will our idiot president do? So far he is trying to convince us that his war is stopping terrorism. No intelligent person is buying that load of crap, but he continues to create a worsening situation that in time may engulf about half the Mid-East into a war filled with suicide bombings terrorism and plain old war.
It looks like the "American Century" That so many Republican politicians were backing is turning into the American Nightmare. Terrorist have already made plans to attack out main land according to our evening news and experts believe Prez George Bush has turned Iraq into a terrorist training ground while it had no connection with al Qaeda before the war started.
Even the next president we elect is probably going to have to find solutions to this crisis and it will be costly no matter what is done. This country has stepped into a quagmire that has no easy, painless or inexpensive way out.

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