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Thursday, November 13, 2008

People need their homes, not a lot of whiners and complainers

By 史蒂夫・奥多

Give $700 billion to bail out some huge corporation, car company, or other big wig and many people pay little attention. But propose getting people help with their homes and suddenly we hear all the ugly clichés: “I pay my bills on time” or “I paid attention to the market and did my homework. I didn’t make mistakes why should I pay for someone else’s mistakes?” More accurate would be “I was smart enough not to fall for that trick so shut up and suck it up.” Another is “I got mine, so if you didn’t get yours –FUCK YOU!”
These are the self made men and women who feel they are above everyone else and feel confident and secured in their belief that they will never need help. So what if another person of family has to live in the street or pay all their money to a slum lord. As long as it’s not them, they feel no obligation to help others. I watched last evening an episode of nightline where the man said he did everything he was supposed to , he played by all the rules and he still fell into financial trouble and was about to lose his home. It’s these whiners and complainers who mess this country up. They want to live in this country and reep all the benefits, but treat everyone else as if they are below them. Our society has little need for these elitist snobs. It’s especially bad when they vote. They vote for the creeps who have been running out country into the ground. Of course we can’t just get rid of them, but it is a temptation. It reminds me of this Khmer Angkar maxim:

“No gain in keeping, no loss in weeding out.”
The human gene pool seems poluted at times - with the weeds of humanity.

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