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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

长征 中国共产党



The longest March of the Chinese Communist Party
Red Army south of the main revolutionary base areas from the Yangtze River to join the Shaanxi-Gansu strategic shift in the revolutionary base areas. In October 1934, the Central Red Army's main forces began to march from the Central Revolutionary Base Area. In the same year in November and the following year in April, in the revolutionary base areas Eyuwan the Red Army and the Sichuan-Shaanxi Revolutionary Base Area 25 Red Fourth Army began to march were to leave their original base. In November 1935, in the revolutionary base areas west of Hunan, Hubei Red 2, 6 Corps also left base began to march. In June 1936 and, secondly, the composition of the six Army 2nd Front. In the same year in October, the Red Army first, second, the Fourth Army in Gansu would rather join the victory, ending a long march. Red Army march which lasted for one year, fought in 11 provinces, the farthest trip of about 25000 years. The victory march indicates that the Chinese Communist Party and the Red Army was an invincible force.

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