Issued by the International Coordinating Group
International League of Peoples' Struggle
15 July 2010
We, the International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS), express our greatconcern over the policy of the Italian government to persecute members ofthe Party of the Committees to Support Resistance - for Communism (CARC) -Italy. In particular, we denounce the arrest, detention and imposition ofrestrictive measures against members of the CARC in Tuscany among them CARCSecretary of Tuscany Alessandro della Malva.The above-mentioned CARC members have been subjected to politicalpersecution for opposing the actions of fascist gangs that have sprung up invarious parts of Italy encouraged by the right-wing government of SilvioBerlusconi. The restrictive measures are illegal, undemocratic and violatethe spirit and principles of the Italian constitution, the fruit of theAnti-fascist Resistance.To continue imposing the restrictive measures will perpetuate an injusticethat has already gone on for almost a year now. The Court of Review ofFlorence that will review the case of the CARC members on July 21 has theopportunity to rectify this grave injustice. On April 1, the Court ofCassation has already declared as baseless the charge of "devastation andplunder" that has been the basis used by the authorities to arrest, jail andimpose other restrictive measures.We call on the Italian government to stop its policy of politicalpersecution against the CARC. We call on the progressive organizations andparties in Italy to form a broad united front together with the CARC inresisting the growing danger of fascist resurgence in Italy.
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