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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

International week of support for India’s Maoists, April 2 -9

According to The Times of India;
NEW DELHI: If the government is finding it difficult to combat growing Maoist movement and its violent ways across the country, it now has more reasons to be concerned. The movement seems to be garnering international support, thanks to a solidarity initiative launched by Maoist parties and groups across the world. Their slogan -- "Let's sustain the people's war in India" -- does not augur well for the government.

According to a statement made by "International Committee to Support the People's War in India," a week-long international campaign to "sustain" the people's war in the country will be held from April 2 to 9, 2011 across nations.”

It’s not surprising considering that the Communist Party of India (Maoist) now controls nearly one fourth of one of the most populated countries in the world. India is also a more developed country than some of the other nations with Maoist insurgencies, such as Nepal and Bhutan. That means an actual revolution could sustain itself, much as the Soviet Union and China did.
And considering the sorry shape of the imperialist world, where the US is the MAIN imperialist power and there is nothing to counter it, seeing a new super power able to stand up to the US is what Maoist the world over want. -សតិវ អតុ
The Kasama Project received a comment mentioning;
“And while Times of India suggests that only groups such as
…Maoist movement in the form of World People’s Resistance Movement (UK), Communist Party of Philippines, Maoist Communist Party of Italy, Revolutionary Communist Party (Canada), and Maoist groups in France and US are likely to be participate in it….,
to only be fair, it would be good to see the name of the signaturies and the text of one of the international solidarity groups’ formation. Its name is somewhat different from the calling group and possibly through time changes have come and/or, it is another example of supporters of the line that will be there:
-         – - –
Support people’s war in India!
RFE #29 • June 6th 2010 • “

Otto’s War Room has received this message in French, but translated it to English using Google.

English translation;

International Committee to support the peoples war in India - week of actions (2nd - 9th April 2011)


In India people's war is intensifying day by day. Led by
Maoist Communist Party of India involves and welcomes the support of
millions of poor farmers, women, Dalit masses, and
now controls a dozen states of the Confederation of India.

A popular war against poverty, capitalist exploitation feudal
in areas where they are most acute contradictions produced
by the turbulent development of resource plundering, oppression
caste and exploitation of Indian capitalism linked to imperialism.

With the help and support of the imperialists and particularly of imperialism
U.S. reactionary ruling classes of India trying
to suppress the revolutionary movement, with the execution of atrocities
deployed an unprecedented barbarity.

The Indian government on behalf of imperialism describes the People's War
as the greatest threat to internal security, and launched cons
it across the country an unprecedented, under the name Operation
"Hunting Green" with a large deployment of troops super armed police
paramilitary forces who want to sow terror and genocide in
Indian population, with raids, wanton destruction, rape and
mass murders, arrests and disappearances, trying to assassinate
leaders, as they did with comrade Azad, one of the highest
Maoist leaders of CPI (M). All this in the illusion of drowning in the blood
a people's struggle for liberation.
But the masses are united in the popular Indian People's War
giving rise to mass demonstrations and strikes against rising
prices, corruption and state terrorism.

The imperialist governments, the United States, Europe, Russia, and
their media support
the criminal action of the Indian government, but even in these countries grows
also denounces and solidarity.

The Indian masses, led by the Maoist Communist Party of India
are writing a page of history of class struggle in the
world today.
The development of people's war in India confirms that it is the
revolution today the main trend in the world and that the
Maoism assumes the role of command and leadership in the new
wave of world revolution against imperialism in crisis.
The world proletariat understand that progress in the People's War
India challenges the balance of power not only in the region
South Asia but also in the attitude of the imperialist world system.

The International Committee of popular support for the war launched a major
international campaign, which will take place in all its forms, in
most countries as possible, with a week of action of 2 to April 9

This campaign is and must be the expression of internationalism
Proletari and promotion of the unity of the international proletariat, the
revolutionary democratic forces and nations and peoples
oppressed of the world.


Original French translation;


En Inde la guerre populaire s'intensifie de jour en jour. Dirigée par le
Parti communiste maoïste de l'Inde implique et réjouit du soutien de
millions d'agriculteurs pauvres, femmes, masses des intouchables, et
contrôle désormais une dizaine d'États de la Confédération de l'Inde.

Une guerre populaire contre la pauvreté, l'exploitation capitaliste féodale,
dans les régions où ils sont les plus aiguës les contradictions produites
par le turbulent développement du pillage des ressources, l'oppression de
caste et l'exploitation, du capitalisme indien liés à l'impérialisme.

Avec l'aide et le soutien des impérialistes et surtout de l'impérialisme
américain, les classes dominantes réactionnaires de l'Inde essayant
d'étouffer le mouvement révolutionnaire, avec l'exécution des atrocités
déployée, d'une barbarie sans précédent.

Le gouvernement indien au nom de l'impérialisme décrit la guerre populaire
comme la plus grande menace pour la sécurité intérieure, et a lancé contre
elle dans tout le pays une offensive sans précédent, sous le nom d'opération
"chasse verte" avec un grand déploiement de troupes super armées, police et
forces paramilitaires qui veulent semer la terreur et le génocide dans la
population indienne, avec des raids, la destruction aveugle, de viols et de
meurtres de masse, arrestations et disparitions, en essayant d'assassiner
les dirigeants, comme ils ont fait avec le camarade Azad, un des plus hauts
dirigeants maoïstes du PCI(M). Tous ça dans l'illusion de noyer dans le sang
la lutte d'un peuple pour la libération.
Mais les masses populaire indienne s'unissent dans la guerre populaire,
donnant lieu à de grandes manifestations et des grèves contre la hausse des
prix, la corruption et le terrorisme d'Etat.

Les gouvernements impérialistes, les États-Unis, l'Europe, la Russie, et
leurs médias soutiennent
l'action criminelle du gouvernement indien; mais dans ces même pays pousse
aussi la dénonce et la solidarité.

Les masses indiennes, dirigée par le Parti communiste maoïste de l'Inde,
sont en train d'écrire une page historiques de la lutte des classes dans le
monde actuel.
Le développement de la guerre populaire en Inde confirme que c'est la
révolution aujourd'hui la tendance principale dans le monde et que le
maoïsme assume le rôle du commandement et de direction dans la nouvelle
vague de la révolution mondiale contre l'impérialisme en crise.
Le prolétariat mondial comprends que l'avancement de la guerre populaire en
Inde met en cause l'équilibre des pouvoirs non seulement dans la région du
sud Asie, mais aussi dans l'attitude du système impérialiste mondial.

Le Comité international de soutien á la guerre populaire lance une grande
campagne internationale, qui se déroulera sous toutes ses formes, dans la
plupart des pays que possible, avec une semaine d'action de 2 à 9 Avril

Cette campagne est et doit être l'expression de l'internationalisme
proletarie et de l'avancement de l'unité du prolétariat international, des
révolutionnaires, des forces démocratiques et des nations et des peuples
opprimés du monde entier.


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