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Friday, June 24, 2011

Is this the return of RIM

I’m glad to see a return of the Revolutionary International Movement (RIM). At present it seems to be dominated by the more hard core groups who are very critical of the United Communist Party Nepal (Maoist).
Having differences of opinion is fine as long as the group as a whole does not exclude groups who are trying new tactics which may in the short run seem dangerous or a form of surrender. The UCPN(M) has every right to pursue their own line of action and see if it wins results. They have come further than any other party to winning revolutionary changes since the revolution in China, in 1949. For more information see Nepal’s balance of forces and the future of Peoples Liberation Army From the Kasama Project.
So let’s have another RIM and let’s help Maoist forces work together. Debate on tactics is fine as long as various groups are allowed to join and take part in the debate. -សតិវ ​អតុ

We have got a dispatch from Maoist International Movement. Maoist Road 1, LA VOIE MAOÏSTE – LA VIA MAOISTA
Maoist Road 1 has done an outstanding work compiling the valuable articles and materials in English, concerning the current Maoist Movement.
Thanks to which have made it available to us. It is available both in Word and PDF file-formats. It will be very beneficial to those, who want to study on various issues of debates regarding the current Maoist International Movement. It will  be a very strong weapon to those who have chosen the path of revolution.
This dispatch–collection of historical materials, is  concentrated  on PCP and `Gonzalo thought', RCP and Avakian's  `New Synthesis', NCP–Maoist ,  `Prachandism of Prachanda Path' and right deviation in UCPN –Maoist and struggle against the right deviation. Comrade Kiran's document, Comrade Gaurav's interview with The Next Front and documents of  Revolutionary Intellectual– Cultural  Forum are also compiled in this dispatch. A letter to PCm Italy from CCM–UCPN –Maoist, is very interesting.
In fact, this dispatch is the collection of debates and discussions upon the revolution of 21st century. It is a new step to march ahead building  a new RIM Organisation.We have taken some extracts concerning the Maoist Revolution of Nepal from this dispatch.
Support  the People's War in India

0 Of extraordinary importance is the participation of Nepal
in this campaign by the recently formed Revolutionary  Intellectual-Cultural Forum, Nepal. ( It was posted on The Forum condemnedthe state terror on the oppressed masses by the reactionary government of India. It supported the peoples war in India and expressed strong solidarity with the international
campaign and the committee that organized it.
The debate in the International Communist Movement
0 The struggle of two lines on this issue, goes through the RIM and therefore through the whole movement and beyond. It is part of the ideological struggle to revive the RIM on one hand, and prepare for the gathering of Maoists all over the world on the other hand, what will be a leap forward in the development of the Internationalist Communist Movement and encouragement in the formation of Maoist communist parties in each country.
0 Other people have also denounced the claim to universalityof this approach when there is no evidence of its practical achievement. They have pointed the dangerous
nature of a process which had already failed several times in history to the great misfortune of the people. But they have never abandoned their critical and sceptical support to the CPN(m) though warning them against the real dangers.
Ultimately, on this issue, it seems that the thesis on democracy in the twenty-fist century has been unanimously denounced as a revisionist thesis. On the question of its experimental, dangerous and risky application, opinions are divided as to whether it could be argued with great care and reserve that such an attempt was worthwhile to be made. The problem to be discussed and deepened on this kind of issue is how tactics and strategy must be linked together.
0The international seminar of 2006 was the last occasion on which it was possible to bring together almost all the parties. RCP US did not participate officially. During that seminar Nepalese comrades accepted the wording proposed by the Italian comrades, "a second step". They said us: we need a second step and we will do. Six months later they said something different. An example: at the seminar we decided to publish the speeches, to stimulate a new conference. So far, the only speeches that have been published are our informal verbalization. The CPN(M) deviated from that line, at the same pace of the revisionist deviation of the leadership. The result is the dissolution of the RIM, that is an objective fact, not a decision made by someone. We should now take a new path, this is our proposal, not because it is our will, but because it is an objective step indeed.

0 The strategic insistency of the line of new manifesto and constitution of the Revolutionary Communist Party ofthe US and now the line of the central committee of the CPI MLM of Iran is clearly apparent within this line's "new synthesis." New synthesises such as Gonzalo Thought or, a new path such as Parachanda Path or an ism such as Avakianism are not like following up and further developing Marxism Leninism Maoism. Rather it stands for a brand new post Marxism, Leninism, Maoism mental weapon and framework. This is exactly why we consider it as a line that is much more of a side-spinning deviation in contrast with what was exposed by  the wrong line of the Communist Party of Peru called Gonzalo Thought and way deeper and further that the deviationist Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) called the Parachanda's Path.

0 It was pointed out that the CPN(Maoist) was disarming its ranks and the masses, ideologically and politically, by accepting such conditions (cantoning the PLA and dissolving local power centres), as they surrender revolutionary army and revolutionary power, at least verbally. This is correct. In failing to examine the issue from this angle, from the angle of the ideological significance of the concessions made by theCPN(Maoist), we too made a pragmatist error.

0 In fact, totally opposite to the glorious record of the CPN(Maoist) in proletarian internationalism, a strong tendency of cynical, opportunist utilisation of relations with Maoist parties got strengthened. These relations were  layed up or muted as a bargaining chip in political manoeuvring. (Some change was seen after the CPN(Maoist) led government was dismissed and the 2 line struggle strengthened.
But this tendency remains influential.)

0 In Nepal, 10 years of peoples war have created the conditions for the advancement of Nepali revolution. This revolution is now at a complex crossroads and must be supported against the counter-revolution waged by internal and external enemies as well as against the reformists who try to undermine it from within.

0 The reduction of a party like the CPN(Maoist), aparty that had steeled itself through the people's war, tosuch a sorry state in so short a time, is indeed a grave
matter to be thought over by Maoists throughout the world. It demands a serious re-examination and advancementof the concepts and methods of party building, particularlyin its ideological, political levels.The suicidal nature of the deterioration of the party was  surely apparent. After all, without the party what was there
to ensure a return to government? But logic was operating here. It becomes clear when the deterioration of the party is seen as a simultaneous re-organisation, a reorganisation making it suitable for the rightist course embarked upon by
the leadership. This was confirmed and cemented with the unity of the CPN(Maoist) with a section that came out of the revisionist CPN (Unity Center-Mashal). In the unity moves of the past, MLM based synthesis (eating up) of different streams breaking off from revisionist or reformist parties was prominent. Contrary to this, the present unity leading to the formation of the UCPN(Maoist) represented
a further step in ideological, political and organisational dilution of the CPN(Maoist). It conceded significant ground to rightist liquidationism. The formulation on ideology, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism was opportunistically changed
the sake of this unity. The struggle waged earlier by the CPN(Maoist) to insist on the term Maoism and its opposition to any view that saw the adoption of Maoism as amere matter of words, were conveniently forgotten. If not for the resistance from the revolutionary left within the party `Maoism' would have been dropped from the name of the unified party itself.

Letter to the PCm Italy
The last weeks have become very important in the Nepalese revolutionary politics. In the main, CM has nowappeared with his true colour. It means the contradiction he had shown between his revolutionary form and reformist essence has now been resolved. His eclecticism has now transformed into open reformism, which manifested in open from his political line presented in the last CC meeting. He argued that party needed to change some tactical plans put forward by Palungtar EM because insurrection is not possible around May 28. For that he proposed to work with tactical plans of peace and constitution in place of people's insurrection.
It was in fact a change of political line not of the plan only. His logic is that enemy conspiracy of dissolving CA and imposing presidential rule could be foiled by showing our party committed for peace and constitution. Based on this logic, he brought a line to finally surrender PLA in the name regrouping and write a piece of constitution based on compromise with the reactionaries. JB supported it. But he said CM's line demanded some more things to add. Firstly, he demanded to change the Palungtar analysis of principal contradiction, secondly change the policy of united front and thirdly call to form a consensus government inclusive of Nepali Congress and Madheshi Parties. CM neither opposed nor supported it; but remained silent. Com K placed a separate document, to which about one third comrades present in the CC upheld firmly and a few others who were previously supporter of CM inclined towards K's position. There is a considerable number of pro-CM CCMs who want CM to unite with K not with JB. Finally, CM's document was adopted by majority. In the days following this meeting CM himself and his kitchen cabinet are working hard to belittle K and the line he has placed before the CC. Factionalism is rampant. There is a danger of the line struggle transforming into class
struggle. It is heard that some squads are being trained to smash opposition. So the days ahead are challenging. On the other, the proposed congress is aimed at wiping out revolutionaries from the organisational responsibilities. Now, there is no doubt that the leadership and party has become reformist. Now no question remains to abide by party discipline imposed by reformist line and leadership. So the split is inevitable. But we have to choose such a point at which split is justified and the revolutionary masses are not confused with. Now, at present, we have started working to set up parallel structures at all the levels.

A comrade of CC ( UCMN)

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