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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sedgwick County consolidates with Wichita


According to The Wichita Eagle, Sedgwick County is considering consolidating some administrative services with Wichita for next year. The reason given is that this will streamline and cut expenses.
For years the Sedgwick County and the City of Wichita council members have talked of a “metro-government.” They tried to pass a law creating such a system, but voters rejected it. Those who voted against it wanted to keep the county government sovereign from the encroachment of Wichita. But now that seems like a mute point since there is less and less country outside of Wichita or the little towns every year.
It there is no or little county rural areas to manage, why not have metro-government? That doesn’t mean that the problems of a Wichita-only-government-for-all of Sedgwick County, except the small towns, don’t exist. It is more like the county autonomy doesn’t exist.
Living in the small town of Maize, we used to be a small rural town just a few miles outside of Wichita. Now Maize is surrounded by Wichita and a few years ago our city had to fight over some land Wichita wanted to annex that would have cut the city short of resources it needed to survive.
Now this town and the area around it are ‘burbs of Wichita. All wildlife is being run out. A wildlife refuge, south of town, is gone. The quality of a small town is gone. We are part of an ever growing suburbia with no sense of preservation of the past.
The problem is no longer “metro-government.” The problem is the over development of what used to be Sedgwick County.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day—but what about peacemakers?

Why are there no memorials for those who died for peace or social justice? We rape and plunder other people’s countries, we take their riches and leave them poor. But we are told that those who spill their blood for their corporate masters are heroes keeping us free. They are fighting first the cold war, the war on drugs, and now the war on terrorism. We’ve built an industry on war. We keep having them to use all the weapons we produce and to show the world we are the active superpower/modern empire.

John Prine -Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Gil Scott Heron RIP

Gil Scott-Heron (born April 1, 1949) wass an American poet, musician, and author known primarily for his late 1970s and early 1980s work and comentary. He died on Friday at a hospital in Manhattan.

Gil Scott Heron We Beg Your Pardon

-         Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

 He is best known for;

"The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" - Gil Scott-Heron

Friday, May 27, 2011

India-Ambush confirms new Maoist front along Orissa-Chhattisgarh border

May 25, 2011
RAIPUR: For long, it has been suspected that the Maoists have opened a new front along the border of central Chhattisgarh and Orissa. An ambush on Monday confirmed that.
Nine policemen, including a young officer, were killed, just 140 kilometres from the state capital.
Early Tuesday morning, the bodies were found in the bushes on both sides of a mud road. The team of Chhattisgarh policemen had come under sharp Maoist fire, 14 kilometres from the state border, near Sonabeda in Nuapara district of Orissa. They had travelled from Gariaband police station, part of Raipur district, 120 kilometres from the state capital. Gariaband adjoins Nuapara, and shares a contiguous forest area.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Kansas Jobs are down—Republicans hope it will get better in 10 years

When it comes to promoting jobs in Kasas, the Republican Party has kept its pledge of helping business with a better business climate, fewer regulations, better tax breaks, and they are hoping these businesses will hire people at some time in the future.
In the short run they are cutting public sector jobs to save tax money. They are reducing the tax base by causing more unemployment. But they have ignored that in order to please businesses.
According to The Wichita Eagle, The 2011 budget authorized 41,521 full-time-equivalent positions. That is 65 jobs less than the previous year.
Cuts made along the way, tally the final jobs number for the state this year, up at 41,147, which is a loss of 374 positions. The 2012 spending plan, beginning July 1, authorizes 39,184 positions, a loss of 1,963 from the current year. That is about a 5 percent reduction.
The cuts in education are causing a shortage of teaching and school staff positions. The Republicans brag that there will be more jobs as the economy expands. They seem to be in no hurry. It seems they want to replace most public sector jobs with private sector ones. They are also willing to wait several years for all this growth to finally bring in some jobs. The jobless can just wait it out. An estimate from The Wichita Eagle claims we still have 20,000 people in Sedgwick County without jobs. Prosperity is right around the corner. It’s a long corner.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

US violates voter rights—Conservatives charge Al Franken with voter fraud

A big stink is now being made by conservatives that Al Franken was elected US Senator by using convicted felons to vote. This is a totally ridiculous argument, but it not only shows the Republicans dishonesty about their election losses, it exposes their prejudices against anyone who would vote against them.
Consider this article from;

Felons Voting Illegally May Have Put Franken Over the Top in Minnesota, Study Finds

The six-month election recount that turned former "Saturday Night Live" comedian Al Franken into a U.S. senator may have been decided by convicted felons who voted illegally in Minnesota's Twin Cities. 
That's the finding of an 18-month study conducted by Minnesota Majority, a conservative watchdog group, which found that at least 341 convicted felons in largely Democratic Minneapolis-St. Paul voted illegally in the 2008 Senate race between Franken, a Democrat, and his Republican opponent, then-incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman. 
This may sound ridiculous but for conservatives this is a real issue of voter fraud and the idea that Franken is not really elected. Franken won with 312 votes. The article continues;

The report said that in Hennepin County, which in includes Minneapolis, 899 suspected felons had been matched on the county's voting records, and the review showed 289 voters were conclusively matched to felon records. The report says only three people in the county have been charged with voter fraud so far. 
They even complained that people charged, but not yet convicted were voting. This is not the only example of such an article. From Media Matters;

Not only is it a ridiculous waist of time to check for felons voting, the US law against them voting is in violation to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which is a document that the united states voted for in 1948. In this document are a number of guaranties that countries are encouraged to adopt, such as universal voting rights. The US is in violation of this document.

In this document;
“The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret ballot or by equivalent free voting procedures."
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 21

One of the most critical ways that individuals can influence governmental decision-making is through voting. Voting is a formal expression of preference for a candidate for office or for a proposed resolution of an issue. Voting generally takes place in the context of a large-scale national or regional election, however, local and small-scale community elections can be just as critical to individual participation in government.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, recognizes the integral role that transparent and open elections play in ensuring the fundamental right to participatory government. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Article 21 states:
Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his/her country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.
The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret ballot or by equivalent free voting procedures.

The role that periodic, free elections play in ensuring respect for political rights also is enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights, the Charter of the Organization of American States, the African (Banjul) Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and many other international human rights documents.

While the right to vote is widely recognized as a fundamental human right, this right is not fully enforced for millions of individuals around the world. Consistently disenfranchised groups include non-citizens, young people, minorities, those who commit crimes, the homeless, disabled persons, and many others who lack access to the vote for a variety of reasons including poverty, illiteracy, intimidation, or unfair election processes. An important force in combating disenfranchisement is the growth of organizations engaged in election monitoring. Around the world, governments struggle to meet the challenge of the Universal Declaration related to free and fair elections. Election monitoring groups, ranging from local or party monitors to United Nations teams, assist governments and local groups to hold free and fair elections by observing the process from the beginning (voter education, candidate campaigns, planning for the ballot) to the end vote count. By declaring an election ‘free and fair’ monitors can legitimize the outcome of that election. Conversely, by not doing so, legitimacy is withheld. The question of whether or not to grant legitimacy to election results is complicated by political considerations, as the results of declaring elections ‘not free nor fair’ can be serious. Riots and even civil war can break out.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Spain's protesters defy government ban

As with many countries and their people, the Spanish are fed up with phony elections and conservative destruction to their way of life. This is the kind of protesting we need in the US. Only it needs to be more organized with a clear political direction (at least in the US). -សតិវ អតុ

More fighting in India—Maoist battle in Gadchiroli

More fighting in India—Maoist battle in Gadchiroli

Two commandos of C-60 — Maharashtra's elite anti-Naxal commando force — and two special police officers were killed in separate gun battles with Maoists in the state's Gadchiroli district on Thursday.
Four teams of C-60 commandos were on a search patrol in the Nargonda forests in Bhamragarh tehsil at 7.30am when about 200 Maoists attacked them.
Both sides exchanged heavy gunfire for more than an hour.
The Maoists were armed with automatic and semi-automatic weapons. They lobbed grenades and launched rocket attacks in Nargonda.
A CRPF team was on a routine patrol about 500 metres from the spot. The dense forest made it difficult for them to locate the source of firing so they could do little to help the C-60 commandos.
Sheth said the second Maoist attack happened around 11.30am in the Bejurpahadi area. "t is about 20km from Nargonda. The gunbattle went on for more than two hours.
Special police officers Surender Pathan and Sudhakar and C-60 commando Munshi Bungati were killed in this attack. Two policemen are being treated for bullet injuries at the government hospital .
The Maoists involved in these attacks are senior cadres from Chandrapur, Gadchiroli or from the bordering areas of Chhattisgarh.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Rapture came and left—no one is gone


Most of us believed the coming rapture predicted by Harold Camping's was a hoax. Many of us are non-Christians and even our Christian friends have dismissed this weekend’s prediction as a ridiculous scam.
Several people, including friends of mine, held parties fully sceptical that anyone would be raptured. We were right. While several of us had an actual party other people took this hoax more seriously. According to KAKE TV of Wichita,
"This idea of a rapture day has spread across the country. This man is reaping in many, many dollars for his idea and I just think it's another example of people being fooled," said Alice Powell, an Atheist who to Wichita moved from California.
Powell was one of over a hundred people that listened to speakers sceptical of Doomsday. The secular student group at Wichita State University organized the first ever "Rapture Day" event to bring atheists together and dialogue about these Doomsday predictions.
 At Kirby’s in Wichita the False Flag and Crush Rock Roll show last night to mock the Rapture that was supposed to happen. It didn’t so the band had a good time.
People all across Wichita, even Christians, held events mocking this stupidity of an obvious con man that is out to cash in on people’s gullibility.
Few fell for it and few were disappointed. So ends another false profit who is probably hiding out and counting his money.

NO to persecuting and outlawing communists!

The campaign of persecution against Communists goes on in our country and throughout Europe. Once again, the judiciary, in this case, the public prosecutor at the Court of Bologna makes a fresh attempt against the (new) Italian Communist Party and the organizations that share its plan to make Italy a socialist country and cooperate with it.
On 25th May at h. 9.30 am at the Court of Bologna preliminary it is set the new preliminary hearing of the investigation against twelve comrades accused of “subversive association for purposes of terrorism” (item 270 bis of Penal Code), charge built by fascist regime and implemented by the fascists special courts to incarcerate hundreds of communists and anti-fascists, Antonio Gramsci included. Among the comrades investigated in Bologna there are Giuseppe Maj, Pietro Vangeli, Giuseppe Czeppel, Manuela Maj, Massimo Amore, Marco Proietti Refrigeri, Paolo Babini, members of the (n) PCI, of the CARC Party or of the Association of Proletarian Solidarity.

We denounce the campaign that the judiciary, commissioned by Berlusconi’s gang and by the previous center-left government, carries out for a long time against the renaissance of the communist movement in our country. This is the eighth investigation always for the same charge and always against the “caravan” of (n) PCI, which includes all the forces that since 1980 have worked with determination to the renaissance of the communist movement and to the reconstruction of the Communist Party in our country. All previous investigations were concluded with the dismissal or with nonsuit judgment. Also this investigation, started in 2003 by Public Prosecutor Giovagnoli, ended in 2008 with a sentence of “nonsuit”, but in January 2010, the Supreme Court upheld the appeal of the Public Prosecutor of Bologna against it and gave the green light to resume the legal proceedings.
In the meantime, the zealous persecutor of the moment, the Public Prosecutor Giovagnoli, has been promoted chief of Prosecutor’s Office in the city of Rimini: he has had a career, like all hardworking servants of the state ready for any dirty work against the Italian and immigrants masses! The Prosecutor’s Office of Bologna and some of its judges are always staying on the cutting edge for their activities of inquisitors and dispensers of the crime of association: starting from the investigation against four comrades of CARC Party, of ASP and of the Struggling Workers Union accused to have promoted the democratic watch and to have worked to publicize the faces of police officers through the publication of photos on the site “Cop Hunt” [] realized by the (n) PCI, to the investigation that led to the closure of the social center Fuoriluogo and a wave of house searches and arrests in a dozen cities on charges of having organized the raid against the Center of Identification and Expulsion of immigrants in Bologna and against some banks.
Today, the bourgeoisie openly attacks the rights of expression, association, organization of the masses. It sets out more and more clearly the “subversive” trend of the bourgeoisie, to systematically violate the laws of his own order, the Constitution and fundamental and universal people's rights:
·       the tortures in the barracks in Genoa in March-July 2001 during the G8 when Carlo Giuliani was murdered,
·       the war missions disguised as “humanitarian interventions” in Libya, Afghanistan, etc..,
·       the racial laws and the new concentration camps for the immigrants,
·       the blackmails of Marchionne, CEO of FIAT and of the bosses who follow him.

On the pretext of fighting terrorism on national and international level the imperialist bourgeoisie justifies the persecution of Communists, Anti-imperialists, immigrants, political refugees: seizures of immigrants, the kidnapping of Abu Omar, imam of Milan, the use of torture, a practice of annihilation against the revolutionary prisoners, creation of parallel police, mass wiretapping and booking, violation of status of political refugees, blacklists against anti-imperialist and communist organizations.
In the European Union, after the adoption of Directive Lindblad in 2006 equating Communism to Nazism, in many countries the communist parties were outlawed (Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) or are going to be outlawed (the Czech Republic and Moldova). In others the communist symbols have been banned (Poland, Hungary). Finally, in December 2010 a proposal was submitted to prosecute the apology of Communism (as explained in the Joint Declaration of 45 Communist and Workers Parties of Europe, “Anticommunism in Europe Will Not Succeed” []). These are all signs of the intention of the bourgeoisie to criminalize Communism and to persecute those who profess it and the struggle for the renaissance of the communist movement, for ending the economic, environmental and social disaster, caused by capitalism, for building a society with no more bosses, without exploitation, misery and war.
In addition, repression in our country hastens: beatings of protesters for defending environment at Terzigno, near Naples, arrests of students in Florence, attacks on people protesting against building railways for high-speed trains and against trains carrying radioactive material!
We will not lend ourselves to cooperate with the hypocritical performance of “the law is the same for everyone”.
Where is the law in a country where Herald Espenhahn, the ThyssenKrupp CEO sentenced to 16 ½ years for the murder of seven workers, did not (and will not) spent even one day in prison and is acclaimed as a hero by his cronies in the meetings of Confederation of Industrials, where Berlusconi, head of government, purchases parliamentarians, girls, running dogs, villas, outside and against all laws, in which industrial condemned as thieves quietly continue their dolce vita?
When a bourgeois falls into judiciary’s toils, because of “errors” or of internal struggle among bourgeois factions, the “repression” is at worst a few days in jail and house arrest in his luxury villas. Instead, for the masses, for their vanguards, for Communists and Anti-fascists, repression means house searches, seizures of equipment, fines, money for legal costs, months and years of detention, often preventive detention.
Bourgeoisie’s justice is the justice of a class that defends tooth and nail her power, her privileges, her vices and the wealth accumulated thanks to work and blood of the masses.
The persecution against the (n) PCI is part of more general attack on the conquests of civilization and progress in our country by the Communists and the masses thanks to the Resistance and the victory over Nazi-fascism. It is part of the subversive and reactionary tendency that the bourgeoisie carries out trying to manage the economic, environmental, political and cultural crisis that grips her .
The task to counter the renaissance of the communist movement is central in bourgeoisie’s war against the masses.

We face this new battle head on. We share with the most conscious and militant part of the masses the aspiration to subvert this social order and replace it with a system in which the yardstick of social progress is not the increase in GDP, the trend of the indices of the stock market and bosses and speculators’ profits, but the improvement of living conditions of the masses, the participation in the management of society and the access to specifically human activities of planning, culture, research, art and social relations. Building a new economic and social order is an increasingly urgent need of the bulk of the population in Italy and all around the world. We need it to prevent a growing number of men, women and children from living in hardship, from dying of hunger, cold , disease, migration and labor in the oppressed countries and also in developed ones. We need it to put an end to pollution and to the plundering of the planet that are threatening the very survival of humanity, to prevent and stop the increasingly devastating and global wars towards which “global competition” of the capitalists is dragging us.
We are determined to use also the hearing on 25th May to impeach the only true terrorists: those who rule the Papal Republic, the Vatican, who are in the boards of great capitalist companies, banks and financial societies, the top officers of secret services, Carabinieri and the Police, the top officers of national and international institutions of the imperialist world system and the “International Community” led by the government in Washington and blessed by the Pope of Rome! We can see the results of their work: war refugees drowning in the Canal of Sicily, imprisoned in Lampedusa and Manduria, the homeless earthquake victims in L'Aquila, the workers killed at the Thyssen Krupp, the  workers attacked by FIAT in the factories of Pomigliano, Mirafiori and Bertone, the popular masses who struggle to defend the environment attacked at Terzigno and in Susa Valley, the popular masses attacked by the imperialists and Zionists in Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine, the popular masses that suffer the ravages of the earthquake and nuclear accidents in Japan!

We call upon all communist, anti-imperialist, anarchist, progressive organizations,, the true democrats, the fighting organizations and movements to reject the ongoing campaign of criminalization of communism and persecution of the Communists.

We invite everybody:
- To sign the call NO to persecuting and outlawing Communists!
To sign the petition send your signature via e-mail to, by fax to 02.26306454
- To speak out against the never ending investigation against (n) PCI
- To send telegrams, faxes and e-mails of protest to
Public Prosecutor Massimiliano Rossi
Prosecutor’s Office of Bologna,
Piazza Trento e Trieste, 3
40137 Bologna,
tel. 051.201111,
fax 051.201948 –
e-mail: procura.bologna @
and to:
GUP Alberto Gamberini,
section of the GIP / GUP at the Court of Bologna
Via Farini 1-
40124, Bologna
tel. 051.2751735, fax 051.271349


Friday, May 20, 2011

A quick comment on the US economy

Click on these to make them bigger.

The Kiran faction of the Nepal Maoists states his views

The following was posted on the Maoist List,;

The Standing Committee  meeting of UCPN (Maoist)  today on 19th May decided that the PLA should be 'integrated' ( read dismantled and surrendered)    under the command of Nepal army . It was also decided by the majority that the number of  PLA  and other norms and modalities  could be finalised  by mutual agreement with Nepali Congress and CPN (UML )  -  (read the U.S. and India) . Barsaman Pun, the in-charge of PLA  and loyal to Prachanda said that the proposal of the Nepal Army is positive.
Com. Kiran and other three comrades in the Standing Committee fiercely opposed the decision of majority. Now, it is more than clear that Chairman of UCPN ( Maoist)  has 'boldly' taken decision to surrender the only one remaining  asset-PLA- of the ten years-old-peoples war. The other two assets- People's War and Local Power were already abandoned. 

The above statement is obviously pro-Kiran faction of the UPCN-M.
The Following was posted by World People's Resistance Movement (Britain), on the Maoist List, Although I don’t like to take sides in the factional disputes, I have printed this to be fair and give both sides of the issues;  -សតិវ អតុ

Nepal’s Kiran: Pressing toward the seizure of power
“We have now two main problems. They are:
1.problems related to class struggle or national struggle and
2.problems related to two-line struggle in the party.
“The problem concerning national struggle is related to the problem in correctly identifying the class enemy and the problem in effectively advancing the struggle against it. Now the reactionaries, on the one hand, are conspiring to convert our party- Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)- into a reformist and status-quoist party by pushing it to the grand parliamentary quagmire and should this plan fail, they are plotting to resort to suppression against our party, one or the other.
“We must understand this truth properly.
“In the same way, the two-line struggle in the party is getting complicated and this is also the expression of class struggle. We also must be serious on the issue of properly understanding the two-line struggle and advancing it in a comradely manner. “
The following is an extremely important statement concerning the direction of the Maoist revolution in Nepal. We urge everyone to study and consider this document, explore its context, and think through what it proposes.
This was presented as a proposal by senior vice-chairman Comrade Mohan Baidhya Kiran at the Central Committee meeting of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) in April 2011.
This is a document of dissent — issued in contrast to the proposal of the Maoists’ chairman. Central to the discussion here is whether to focus on preparing for an insurrection or whether to present new proposals for resolving the existing stalemate over national constitution and the subordination of the national army.
Previously the CPN(Maoist) had adopted a political approach of ‘popular insurrection’ at the Party’s sixth extended meeting or plenum in November 2010(held in Palungtar within the Gorkha district).
By posting this here, Kasama is not endorsing political arguments or conclusions — but presenting documents and views essential for communists to understand and debate.
* * * * * * * *
by Mohan Baidhya Kiran
‘The immediate political proposal’ presented by comrade chairman in the Politburo meeting held on April 20, 2011 and also in the present Central Committee meeting is against the fundamental spirit of the political line adopted by the Central Committee meeting held soon after the Palungtar extended meeting. Expressing my dissenting opinion on Chairman’s proposal, I, therefore, would like to present a separate political proposal in this committee.
1. Two main problems at present
The country is now in a grave political crisis.
We have now two main problems. They are: problems related to class struggle or national struggle and problem related to two-line struggle in the party. The problem concerning national struggle is related to the problem in correctly identifying the class enemy and the problem in effectively advancing the struggle against it. Now the reactionaries, on the one hand, are conspiring to convert our party — Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) — into a reformist and status-quoist party by pushing it to the grand parliamentary quagmire and should this plan fail, they are plotting to resort to suppression against our party, one the other.
We must understand this truth properly.
In the same way, the two-line struggle in the party is getting complicated and this is also the expression of class struggle. We also must be serious on the issue of properly understanding the two-line struggle and advancing it in a comradely manner.
Now families of martyrs, families of disappeared warriors, and injured and disabled warriors are expecting from our parties to realize their aspirations and dreams of liberation. The entire Nepali people including workers, peasants, women, dalits (oppressed), janajaties [minority nationalities], Muslims and all backward people and classes as well as the international proletarian class, too, are watching at our party as a centre of hope for their bright future.
We must pay our attention to all these factors.
A true communist party and its leaders must seek scientific solution to these problems. Otherwise, the validity and justification of such leadership would automatically come to an end. We must be very serious on this issue.

The Rest of this can be read on the Kasama Project.

World People's Resistance Movement (Britain)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Energy needs in the short-run—environmental and educational decimation later

The Republicans in Congress talk as if balancing the budget is an absolute necessity. Yet they continue to give money away to the oil companies. They claim this will help stop our reliance of foreign oil. But just check prices at the pump. They are sky high. Who is getting anything out of these subsides. Will they lower gas prices? More than likely the answer is that the average consumer gets nothing and there is no relief at the pump..
Again, Credo reports that Oil and gas companies spent $39.5 million lobbying congress in just the first quarter of this year, and have donated tens of millions of dollars directly to the political campaigns of current Senators, including $298,200 to Sen. Pat Roberts and $296,921 to Sen. Jerry Moran.
Fourth District Congressman Mike Pompeo said in a statement on his web site;

India Release the Maoist leaders arrested in Bihar unconditionally!

Make success the 'Bharat Bandh' on May 21 and 22
against the arrests of Communist Party of Imdia (Maoist) Central Committee members,
the ongoing unjust war on the people waged by the ruling clique of the country
and the brutal repression of Uttar Pradesh peasants!

On April 29, the central and the state intelligence agencies of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh etc conducted a well-planned attack and arrested seven persons including three CC members of our party from Barsoi village in Katihar district of Bihar. Among those arrested are CC members Comrade Pulendu Sekhar Mukherji alias Saheb da, Varanasi Subrahmanyam alias Vimal alias Srikanth, Vijay Kumar Arya alias Jaspalji, Comrade Abhimanyu alias Umesh Yadav – the secretary of the Uttar Bihar-Uttar Pradesh Regional Bureau under the Bihar-Jharkhand Special Area Committee, Nokhelal Choudhury, Syamji Rushi and house-owner Anirudh Ravidas. The APSIB notorious for hunting and killing revolutionaries has been following the movements of Comrade Subrahmanyam since some months. In end July last year, he narrowly escaped being caught by them. When our comrades met for a meeting, the Bihar STF officers arrested them on information provided by the central-state intelligence agencies.
67 year old veteran Maoist leader Comrade Pulendu Sekhar Mukherji known as Saheb da, Gagan da and Akash da in the party has been leading the revolutionary movement since 45 years. Born in Kolkata city, he left his higher studies and joined the revolutionary struggle with the inspiration of Naxalbari and dedicated his whole life for the advance of people's war. In his long revolutionary career, he strove to build revolutionary movement in various states including Bengal and put substantial efforts for the unity of communist organizations and genuine revolutionaries. Though suffering severely from asthma, ulcer and other ailments he is carrying on his responsibilities with great spirit.
Comrade Subrahmanyam known as Vimal among the AP cadres and famous as Srikanth among the party ranks all over the country, completed his higher studies from Andhra University in Visakhapatnam and entered revolutionary activities. In the 1970s he led the Radical Students Union, Radical Youth League and Singareni Karmika Samakhya. Responding to the call of the party he went to North India and put great efforts in building revolutionary movement in many states there. He worked day and night at various levels and in various spheres in spite of his severe ill-health.
Comrade Jaspalji well-known among the Bihar masses as Vijay Kumar Arya played a crucial role in the revolutionary movement leading the peasantry and the cultural field. For more than three decades he led the revolutionary movement in various spheres and areas and built mass movements.
Indian intelligence agencies which were trained by foreign intelligence agencies like CIA and Mossad notorious for their infinite cruelty are hunting senior comrades leading the revolutionary movement and catching them. In fact, it is the CIA and FBI of US which are running the intelligence agencies in our country. In the past two years the intelligence agencies murdered comrades Patel Sudhakar, Sakhamuri Appa Rao and Azad among the top leaders who were caught. Some more central and state level leadership comrades were arrested and put in jails. False cases were foisted on them in various states and they are left to rot in jails without granting bail for many years. False witnesses are summoned and harsh punishments and life sentences are pronounced basing on such testimonies. The women leaders and activists are particularly subjected to inhuman physical and mental torture. Comrades like Sushil Roy, Sheela didi, Narayan Sanyal, Kobad Gandhi and Amitabh Bagchi who are suffering from serious ailments are harassed by denying them health care.
The imperialists are intensifying the exploitation of resources in backward countries to come out of the severe crises faced by the world economy. They are threatening those countries which do not cater to their interests. If they do not heed bombs are dropped and unjust wars are launched against them. The Indian feudal, comprador bourgeoisie ruling classes even while denying that there is any effect of the crisis on the country's economy are getting bogged down in it with each passing day. They are opening the doors of the economy to imperialist exploitation and are implementing neo-liberal policies with impunity. The central and state governments have signed MoUs worth billions of rupees with several MNCs and are selling the natural resources of our country. Lands are forcefully grabbed from the people in the name of SEZs, nuclear and thermal power plants, big dams, express highways, wildlife sanctuaries etc. While destroying forests, water, land and ecology on the whole they are rendering the people and particularly the adivasis homeless. Hiding behind these policies the ministers, chief ministers and bureaucracy are resorting to scams on a huge scale and stashing away billions of rupees in Swiss banks and rendering the lives of workers, peasantry, employees and middle classes unbearable. While the Tatas, Birlas, Ambanis, Jindals, Mittals, Mahindras, Ruiyas, Neko Jaiswals and Sun networks are amassing wealth worth trillions of rupees, 77 percent of the country's population is living on less than 20 rupees a day. The people of our country are caught in a whirlpool of problems like starvation deaths, price rises, unemployment, displacement, diseases and malnutrition. Lakhs of police and paramilitary is deployed by the ruling classes against those who question this situation and fight against it to suppress them under the iron heel. Black laws are enacted crushing underneath their feet democratic and civil rights. Billions of rupees are poured down the drain to sharpen the fangs of the repressive machine to suppress the people.
The ruling classes which realized that the huge discontent and anger erupting against the ruling classes is strengthening the Maoist movement have launched the well-planned campaign that 'Maoist movement is the biggest internal security to the country'. They are portraying the Maoist movement as violent and the Maoist party as a terrorist organization and is carrying on a malicious propaganda campaign on a large scale. To continue their pro-imperialist policies and to completely decimate the Maoist party which they think is the biggest hurdle for the loot of resources they have launched the most fascist offensive in the name of 'Operation Green Hunt' particularly since two years. This offensive which even has the avowed aim of destroying the alternative people's power developing at various levels in the Maoist movement areas has been intensified since January 2011 and now they are calling it 'Operation Green Hunt – 2'. As part of this, the police, paramilitary forces, Special Forces and the counter-revolutionary vigilante gangs launched by them have intensified fake encounters, indiscriminate killings, burning of villages, loot, atrocities on women, arrests and tortures. They are making full preparations to deploy army in Chhattisgarh and are on their way to grab 800 sq. kms of land in Maad. In Maad and on the borders of Chhattisgarh and Odisha two army training centres are coming up. Apart from making preparations to establish an Air-Force base they have given permission to the Air-Force to conduct attacks in 'self-defence'.
In Chintalnar area of Dandakaranya between 11 and 16 of March, 350 Cobra commandos, Koya commandos and hundreds of STF forces descended on Morpalli, Timmapuram and Tadimetla villages, created havoc and razed to the ground 300 houses. Thousands of quintals of food grains were burnt. Every home was looted. Three villagers were shot dead, two went missing, five women were gang raped and nearly 50 villagers were severely tortured. Democrats who went to inquire into this, media persons who went to report this and social activists who were taking relief material to the victims were attacked by the Salwa Judum goons and not allowed to enter the area at the behest of fascist chief minister Raman Singh, the running dogs of the ruling classes DGP Viswaranjan, Bastar IG Longkumer and Dantewada SSP Kalluri. In the background of the furor which rocked the state and country on this atrocity, Raman Singh was forced to visit Tadimetla village. Even while he was speaking at the meeting, the Koya commandos went on a rampage once again and looted fifteen houses, beat some villagers and raped a woman in the same village. This is the level of fascist terror being unleashed in Chhattisgarh today. These kinds of attacks are being conducted regularly in Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra too. Moreover secret killer gangs are encouraged to attack and kill mass organization activists and party activists. They are told to particularly target women activists – to rape and kill them. On April 19, 14 year old boy Rajnu was killed in cold blood in Chinari village and a fake encounter story was circulated. These are just recent examples of the severe repressive campaign unleashed on a daily basis in Dandakaranya.
On March 14, six Maoists including three women were killed by the police in East Champaran district of Bihar. Some more were arrested. The Jharkhand government is deploying thousands of police and paramilitary forces with the aim of annihilating Maoist leadership and is carrying on offensives. Indiscriminate arrests are continuing. Fascist attacks are conducted on people fighting against displacement and forceful evictions from land. In Odisha the comprador Naveen Patnaik government carried on fake encounters all over the state and killed more than 25 Maoists, anti-mining activists and ordinary people within four months. The fact that there is a 12 year old girl Janga and some more teenage girls among the dead bares the brutal face of the Patnaik regime.
With the aim of continuing their fascist rule of the past 34 years at any cost, the CPM government in West Bengal intensified its attacks on people and the Maoists. It is resorting to massacres and the most appalling atrocities using police, paramilitary and its goonda force of Harnad Bahini. Arrested Maoist leaders, particularly women, are being treated in the most inhuman manner. Recently WB police severely attacked the political prisoners who were striking against the horrible conditions in the Medinipur jail. The AP government which claims to have decimated the Maoist movement in the state is going on increasing its police forces on a large scale. It intensified its hunt for Maoist leaders. It is suppressing the people fighting for separate Telangana. Its leaders are being attacked by state-sponsored black gangs. The Maharashtra government is continuing the campaign of repression in the adivasi movement areas, is arresting Maoist leaders and democrats in the urban areas and foisting false cases on them.
This fascist onslaught is not just aimed at the Maoist movement. The oppressive ruling classes have been resorting to fascist repression against every democratic movement. Last month, on 18th, police had indiscriminately fired at the people of Jaitapur area in Maharashtra who were agitating against the proposed nuclear power plant killing one protester named Tabrez. And now, the police forces are brutally suppressing the agitating peasants of Uttar Pradesh who are opposing to give away their lands for proposed Express Highway to be built from Greater Noida to Agra. At least two peasants were killed and so many people were injured when police force resorted to beatings and firings. People of Bhatta-Parsaul and nearby villages boldly resisted the police rampage in which two policemen were also killed and some others including few officers were injured. Next day people of Agra and Aligarh also intensified their agitation and resisted the highhandedness of the police. Taking this as a pretext, fascist Mayawati government has resorted to severe repression on the peasants of Uttar Pradesh. Laying siege upon the villages, it is inflicting inhuman atrocities upon the villagers.
Beloved People! Democrats! Patriots!
The above fascist repressive measures and the arrests of Maoist leaders are part of the War on People waged by the ruling clique of Sonia-Manmohan-Chidambaram with the support of the imperialists in the name of OGH. We must see this political repression, massacres and attack on civil rights in the context of the repercussions of the severe crisis faced by the world capitalism on all the spheres in our society. It is part of a conspiracy to carry on their pro-imperialist, anti-people policies unchallenged by completely destroying the Maoist revolutionary movement. It is a historical truth that repression leads to resistance. The daydreams of Sonia-Manmohan-Chidambaram ruling clique that they would be able to suppress mass movements and revolutionary movements through arrests, murders and repressive campaigns are bound to end in a nightmare. The feudal and comprador bureaucratic bourgeois ruling classes and imperialists who control them are the biggest enemies to the development of our country, self-reliance, sovereignty and people's welfare. Our Central Committee is calling upon the people to join in huge numbers in the People's War waged by our party and in the New Democratic Revolution conducted with the aim of completely eliminating these people's enemies. Our CC is appealing to all civil rights activists, intellectuals, democrats and those who wish for peace talks to visit our movement areas and see with your own eyes the inhuman atrocities and massacres perpetrated by the state here. It is requesting you to place before the people of this country the facts about the fascist state violence unleashed on adivasis - the poorest of the poor - in the heart of this country which calls itself 'the largest democracy'.
Our CC is calling upon the people and the democrats to condemn these arrests, massacres, destruction, loot, atrocities, foul propaganda, fascization of the state, forceful land acquisitions and black laws like UAPA and to fight unitedly against all these. It is demanding that the arrested Maoist leaders be released unconditionally and immediately. The only way before us is to fight back unitedly and militantly the fascist state terror and our CC is calling upon the people to come forward bravely to resist this. It is clearly stating that only by intensifying the people's resistance movement ongoing under the leadership of our party and PLGA and by getting mobilized into it in thousands and lakhs can we defeat this offensive.
Our CC is appealing to the people to make success the 48 hour 'Bharat Bandh' to be observed on May 21-22 protesting the arrests of Maoist leaders and against the war on people by the ruling clique and against the ongoing repression of Uttar Pradesh peasants. This bandh would be mainly observed in six states – Jharkhand, Bihar, West Bengal, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh; in three districts of Maharashtra – Gadchiroli, Chandrapur, Gondia; in the border districts of Uttar Pradesh adjoining Bihar and in Balaghat district of Madhya Pradesh. There will be protests in various forms in other states. Emergency services like health care, examinations of students and interviews are exempted from the bandh.

Central Committee,
CPI (Maois

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Reunited Maoists a security threat?

Again this is an article about the advantages to having a new international and being able to aid another revolutionary group when necessary-សតិវ អតុ
From and The Times of India;

NEW DELHI: Maoist parties across South Asia have decided to reunite after about five years to strengthen the naxalite movement in the region. The move could be a cause for concern for the security forces combating the Maoist movement in India and elsewhere.
At a secret meeting held in the first week of March, probably in Nepal, it was decided that the Maoist from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka will consolidate their forces to take on the state power.
The fourth convention of Co-ordination Committee of Maoist Parties and Organisations of South Asia was held in 2006, but there was a lull for the past five years because of the developments in Nepal. As per the new resolution, "People all over the world look up to the Maoists in Nepal to break out of conspiracies and advance determinedly towards the completion of new democratic revolution."

Counter offensive in India


Though the defence ministry didn't agree to conduct air strikes on Naxal bastions, the Maoists are preparing their cadres for a counter offensive, anticipating aerial strikes. The syllabus for military training of Maoist cadres is being revamped. A manual, titled Guerrilla Air Defence written by the central military commissioner and senior Maoist Tipparthi Tirupati, alias `Devji' of AP, has been introduced into the Maoist syllabus. This syllabus includes instructions on how to kill air force commandos while they climb down during air drops from choppers.Sources in the state police headquarters say that the Maoists are a step ahead in combat strategies.
"At present, choppers are used to drop the troops near jungles where there is specific information about Maoist movements. Greyhound forces are often airlifted and dropped at the Andhra-Orissa border. The Maoists now are being trained in how to attack the forces while they are dropping. This is extremely dangerous, particularly when we shift injured personnel using choppers. There were earlier instances when the Maoists used LMGs to fire at and kill co-pilots. They have huge man-made rocket launchers to attack choppers," said a senior police official.
The Maoists' aerial syllabus included concealment from helicopter movements, dispersion techniques, aiming at aircraft using LMGs, small weapons, making fir walls against choppers, using anti- aircraft mounts, reference point fire. It also describes how choppers and aircraft work. The key document seized by the SIB is one in which Maoists say, "We have to increase recruitment into PLGA on a large scale. We have to give training to PLGA, militia and others on a wide scale by preparing a higher-level training syllabus to face air attacks of the Indian Air Force."