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Monday, June 11, 2012

Canada-They Want us Silent: What Will We Do?

This  article first appeared in the New College Collegian, the newspaper of Seattle Central Community College.
By Liam Wright
Over 100 days now the students of Quebec have been on strike. Montreal burns. Literally. There are fires in the streets. I’m not even exaggerating.
One can only imagine a beautiful city, glowing in the firelight born of dreams deferred. Of the frustration and anger. The determination that the world and our futures can be different.
And why did this all start?
A tuition increase to about 2,519 USD a year, a fraction of what students in the US pay, much less than what we pay here at Seattle Central with our shocking 30% then another 12% tuition increases.
And what did legislators in Quebec do about this?
They passed anti-protest laws, offering fines of up to $35,000 for anyone deemed to be a “student leader.” Half a million people marched in the streets in open defiance of the new laws. Square red flags regularly adorn the crowds, because these tuition increases place students and their ledgers, “squarely in the red.”
There are those participating who call for unlimited strikes until education is free and students get control of their own education. They are refusing to stop until they win. Challenging all the limits of mainstream politics, capitalist austerity. Instead, they are going for what is in the interest of humanity.

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