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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

US Supreme Court ruling institutionalizes racism

It should be apparent to all progressive people in the United States of America, that as the results of 30 years of Republican rule, the United States Supreme Court, voting down the voter’s rights act, has completely turned our government over to the far right. There is no protection today for minorities of any kind, be they race, religion or simply political people who don’t want to just “go with the Republican flow.”
There are no progressive political groups that have any real weight in our government today and progressives are on the outside of the political system. The court’s ruling will allow all the voter-ID laws and all the dirty tricks presently being used by the Republican Party to keep minorities from voting. Thirty years of hard work by black people and white progressives have now been thrown down the sewer of a political system that is beyond broke.
It should be clear to all of us that the United State of America is a country for angry old white rednecks and the rest of us just live here. This is not our country. They have secured it for themselves. Freedom and democracy are empty words that have no meaning in the US at all. As this country has passed through the turn of the century, it has politically shed away all of the progressive change that people here have worked so hard to secure.
The political system, that many progressives take part in through voting and other political actions, has been rendered completely meaningless. The only hope left for us in this country is to create action through our anger and throw the bastards out—physically—not just through a simple vote. These people have stolen our rights and such criminal actions deserve punishment—not just simply being voted out of office.
The pain and suffering inflicted on so many people in the US today is not something we can ever really just fix with a simple vote. The privatization of our government institutions, the steeling of a proper education for an entire generation and institutionalizing of legal discrimination are crimes that cannot simply be overturned. People have suffered in this country and that cannot be fixed until those who have caused these changes are punished. They are not just bad politicians they are criminals who have stolen what was left of our democracy and made a joke out of the idea that this is a “free country.” No country can deny half its citizens of their rights and then claim to be a “beacon of freedom and democracy for the whole world.”
Anyone outside of this country who believes this system can lead to any kind of freedom or democracy needs to come here and see for themselves what lies they are being asked to buy into.
The Supreme Court ruling is just one more institutionalized lie for a nation that is nothing more than a house of cards, built entirely on lies.    
-សតិវ អតុ

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