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Monday, January 27, 2014

Keep US Imperialists off of Ceres

Scientist are now looking at the mini-planet Ceres, as an interesting place to explore. This little planet is smaller than our moon and it is located in the asteroid belt. Scientist now believe the little planet has water in it, ice on it and it may even have geysers that spray water into space.
With water and other important material needs scientist are already speculating that people may be able to colonize the little world. That would be fine if such a space base was designed for space exploration, but an article from Daily Kos mentions possible attempts to use the planetoid as an “industrial hub.”
So it is not enough to destroy the earth, human kind must now speculate on other worlds in the solar system that can be exploited and destroyed. Scientist think there may even be life forms below the surface. That means future “industrialists” might end up killing off extra-terrestrials.
-សតិវ អតុ
From Daily Kos:
“In terms of pure futurist speculation, Ceres has an unusual set of properties that could make it a critical exploration and industrial hub. It seems to have water, it probably has impact craters and basins all over it, made by all kinds of smaller objects colliding with it, including nickel-iron or perhaps even platinum group metal-rich asteroids. Perhaps most interesting of all, if we want to dream, is Ceres spins about once every nine hours and its surface gravity is less than 3 percent Earth-normal. That means a space elevator would be completely practical using materials we already have. One day Ceres could surrounded by artificial rings, with elevator spokes reaching nodes on the ground.
If so, someday, it might be venting to beat the band, a new and semi-permanent naked-eye comet fixed in the ecliptic, as automated machines crawl over and through it, collecting and transferring resources to a growing off-world civilization. It could become the gateway to the outer solar system. And once we get that far, out past Pluto where only the comets coast through the night, the stars will be the only logical place left to go.”
To see the entire article click here.

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