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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bolivia—On the Communist Party—Marx and Engels

Marx and Engels understood from the beginning the need for the proletariat has its own Party and the Communist Manifesto is the express statement of that need as outlined in his Preface , this manifesto ... is " a detailed theoretical and practical program , for advertising that would serve the party program " (Marx and Engels , Preface to the German edition of the Manifesto PC, 1872).
This understanding of the organic need is present in the practical activity of Marx and Engels in the Communist League and the International Workers Association (known as the First International ) , an organization that coordinated the political work of all Communists in different European countries , with local sections had by working the spread of communist ideology and treatment of specific problems from the point of view of the working class. The General Statutes of the International Association synthesized and this need for organization of the proletariat " in its fight against the united power of the propertied classes , the proletariat can not act as a class rather than constituting himself and in different political party opposed to all old political parties created by the propertied classes "but also argued that this constitution Party" is essential to ensure the triumph of the social revolution " ( General Statutes of the Association ... 1871).
The distorters of Marx have said that this is not the party organization conceived as an organization of the most advanced and confined to the rigors and requirements that the struggle against the reactionary state imposed upon him , that the conception of the Party as the vanguard of the working class is a Leninist misrepresentation ! Marx conceived the Party as 
an open and alliances with trade unions organization. However, the reality and actual practice made ​​by Marx and Engels refute those distortions.
Marx at the time realized the need for conspiratorial character of the League of Communists against the power of capital in the Circular of the Central Committee of the League (1850 ) he fully justifies early performance in " secret meetings and clandestine writings "also comprises the actions of militants in the forefront of the class struggle in celebrating their participation in the first line of workers' struggles , " on the barricades and battlefields . "
Marx 's conception of the Party is a conception of time , ie , general conceptions of the organization but also specific details about the nature of the organization of the proletariat are present. There are times when you see the performance of the class as match the overall performance of the proletariat and at other times as the actions of the Communists , though Marx and throws light elements on the need for secrecy of communist organizations and disciplined action of its members .
Marx demanded a strong organic cohesion of the Party to participate in the class struggle and not " march trailer of the bourgeoisie" instead argued that workers must establish , on a par with legal organizations , secret sections of the Party to act independently of bourgeois influence (Marx , Circular of the Central Committee ... 1850)
All this thinking is exhibited in the work of the League of Communists through circulars and publication of the Communist Manifesto , as well as the resolutions of the International Working Men's Association on the political action of the working class that Marx and Engels worked hard .
Apart from the characteristics of political and organizational management , Marx and Engels laid the foundations for the vanguard party . In the Manifesto of the Communist Party defined the action of the Communists within the proletariat in general, " the Communists are therefore practically more determined the hand, pushes forward for all workers' parties of the world " that defines the character vanguard of the communist organization , the role of advanced highlighting Marx militants League and this is due to the theoretical conception held by communists, Marx clearly says "theoretically [ Communists ] , to take advantage the great mass of the proletariat the clear view of the conditions , and the ultimate results that must the proletarian movement " (Marx and Engels , Manifesto , 1840). The Communists are for Marx the conscious element which has the working class, the proletariat in general as usually differentiate the Communists are part of that class but are the most advanced , the proletariat alone is not obtained consciousness but through his art , is not a group of "enlightened " as often petty adocenado replica Marxists , Marx is explicit in saying that the theoretical positions of the Communists forged or rest on principles discovered by any redeemer of mankind, but that this view is " widespread expression of the material terms of a struggle of real and vivid Role of a historical movement that is developing at the sight of all " , yet also notes that the immediate aim of the Communists is " form the class consciousness of the proletariat."
In all this thinking about Lenin 's conception of the party is anchored in reality Marx laid the foundations on which the Leninist theory of the party rises.
Another key element in the conception of Marx about the actions of the working class and its party 's ideological independence . Marx always demanded that independence , especially when the party of the working class loses cohesion to engage in the economic struggles of the democratic movement . Marx's always requires the game not to lose sight of the strategic objective for which it was created , to raise the proletariat in general to engage in the struggle against the political power of the ruling classes , that is, always keep in mind the political struggle for power and not get lost in the economic struggle , the struggle for demands to link the struggle for political power . At times Marx explicitly states the rejection of alliances with other parties or organizations that could subordinate the goals of the proletariat to the bourgeoisie.
Marx is very enlightening us just at the moment when the Bolivian Marxists and pseudo reformism and opportunism embarked on the project of Evo Morales attempt to present the thought of Marx and within that contradiction medley called "government of social movements " . Marx never conceived the project of a new society without the leadership of the proletariat , precisely because his vision of a new society based on social scientific analysis is the project of the proletariat and the dictatorship. Marx also put the proletariat to tow other classes (as suggested by the vision of a "government of social movements " ) , even within the popular movement with the petty bourgeoisie, Marx always demanded the political and ideological independence and fight for the direction , much less raised class conciliation with " national business sectors " as usually speak when Morales government throws its "inclusive " concept (which is nothing but bourgeois liberal conception ) , let alone Marx political action the proletariat to expect some spontaneity as " Marxists" linked to " change process" or the leaders themselves permanently when they criticize the regime of "political " actions of the sectors of the popular movement , in fact Marx was always concerned with the proletariat and his party not to lose sight of the ultimate goal of the conquest of political power and it was necessary to be clear at the outset that the economic struggles should be subordinated to the political objective of the working class
The entire battery of theoretical conceptions of the regime of Evo Morales and the revisionists argue that arch is designed to conceal the class nature of his regime and keep the level of disorganized and spontaneous popular movement struggles to manipulate corporately. Lack of awareness in the character of the struggle of the popular movement , which many MAS complain is not just the responsibility of the neoliberal period , but it is because the regime MAS has prefacing, from their political needs, opportunistic practice and dealer of many popular leaders .
Returning to the thought of Marx , the primordial conspiracy and art duties assigned to the Party can not fit into an organization of union and open social alliances because such an organization could not fulfill the role of ending the old bourgeois society , the thought of Marx is off the frontage claims of armed and unarmed revisionism and extremely out of horizontalists conceptions small academic bourgeoisie pass intended Marxist.
The conception of Marx and Engels and the Communist Party is that they , out of the ranks of the proletariat or assuming this ideology are the most advanced and conscious element, the party of the proletariat and the proletariat in general do not differ when defend the same general interests , but differ in the sense that they represent a sector of the proletariat and the sector is its element edge and are tasked with raising the consciousness of the working class as a whole in their struggle for political power.
Marx and Engels did not circumscribed the struggle for political power in electoral participation , in fact Marxism in its foundation opposes the electoral method as a strategy to seize power and Marx was quite clear about it in different works, particularly in the 18 Brumaire. This is seen even in the prologue of Engels to Class Struggle in France, where , despite noted as correct participation German Social Democratic Labor Party in elections to the circumstances that the European working class lived and particularly after the French the defeat of the Paris Commune , clarifies that this serves only to muster the forces of the proletariat and propagandize the agenda of the working class , but revolutionary violence will have to catch up sooner or later.
Actually another fundamental tasks conceived by Marx for the party of the proletariat is the revolution that dispute the political power of the bourgeoisie and that occurs, according to the thinking of the founders of scientific communism , through revolutionary violence , not otherwise. Marx conceived that to ensure the victory of the proletariat must proceed to the general arming of the people , " the arming of the entire proletariat with rifles , guns and ammunition" to "prevent the resurgence of the old bourgeois militia." These were initial sketches on the exercise of the violence and dictatorship raised even before the experience of the Paris Commune, and showing us that Marx had no illusions in bourgeois parliamentarism.
Relocating the political thought of Marx and Engels to our context (the " process of change " qualified pompous and demagoguery of "revolutionary" ) it certainly remains subversive and dangerous. The Morales regime , despite the hypocritical verbiage of sympathizing with communists , socialists and declared in favor of something that does not understand ( Marxism -Leninism ) , no doubt apply repressive violence the popular movement and the progressive sectors with lackluster display of their officers run .
The thought of the founders of Marxism on the Communist Party be synthesized at the stage of the proletarian revolution with Lenin who developed the theory of the Party and the application in the first victorious proletarian revolution of the twentieth century.

For the original in Spanish, see:
Revolutionary People's Front of Bolivia (Marxist Leninist Maoist)

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