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Thursday, February 05, 2015

The Dalai Lama ran no Shangri-La

For years now, my friends would ask me; "Why don't you support the Free Tibet movement.?" I can see why my friends support it and the Dalai Lama. After all, isn't the Dalai Lama on par with Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mother Teresa?" Well....maybe not. I oppose any kind of theocracy, no matter how nice it is. I also oppose any kind of matter how kind it is.  And the following article makes a good argument against supporting the Dalai Lama:

The French colonial war in Indochina, 1946-1955 cost of one million two hundred thousand dead. We have seen hundreds of films about colonial life in those years and older in Hollywood blockbusters massaged.

The same colonial repression in Madagascar, Tunisia and what they called black Africa, in 1949, took another 70,000 lives. And the UN, founded four years earlier verbiage used to criticize.

Also that year we lived in slaughter between Indians and Pakistanis after the artificial partition-and we can find information on any encyclopaedia, but very few people seem to remember what life was like in Tibet Lamaist a year before China's entry.

In 1998, Hollywood released a major blockbuster on Tibet. Seven Years in Tibet, was based on the book written by an Austrian Nazi, Heinrich Harrer, who was involved in some of the most brutal fascist crimes in Austria. Harrer arrived in Tibet during the Second World War in a secret mission to German imperialism, trying to compete with British imperialism in Asia. He was accepted into the circle of the court between the highest Tibetan nobility. With this type of reeds have to weave the map of Tibetan real story.

l Dalai Lama lived in the Potala Palace, a thousand rooms and 14 apartments, which was the pawn under the control of the directors of the nobility.
For ordinary peasant life was short and miserable. Tibet had one of the highest rates of tuberculosis and infant mortality in the world.
The author investigated Chinese Han Suyin that only 626 people owned 93% of the land and national wealth in Tibet. Among them were 333 religious authorities, 287 nobles and military-six cabinet ministers. The upper class was made up about 2% of the population and 3% were its agents: foremen, managers of their farms and their private armies commanders. 80% were serfs, slaves 5% and 10% were poor monks who worked as servants for the abbots and prayed. Despite the alleged Lamaist rule of nonviolence, they were beaten continuously.
Today the current Dalai Lama is presented to the world as a holy man who does not care about material things. The reality is that was the principal owner of serfs in Tibet. By law he owned the whole country and its inhabitants. In practice his family had 27 farms, 36 meadows, 20,331 jewelry, clothing 14,676, 6,170 servants and 102 slaves.
The life of Tibetans in 1949 was short and tough. Both men and women working in the toughest tasks and forced labor, called 'ulag' for 16 or 18 hours a day. Owners had to give 70 percent of the harvest. They could not use the same seats, words or utensils owners. Punished with lashes if things touched owner. They could not marry or leave the farm without permission of the owner. The servants and women were regarded speakers animals that had no right to look at the face of the masters. The expert in Tibet A. Tom Grunfeld relates how the slaves were beaten, they were not given food and kill them to work. In the capital Lasha children were bought and sold.
The word woman, 'kimen' meant born inferior. Prevented them raise their eyes beyond the knee of a man. It was common burning women for being witches. Giving birth to twins was proof that a woman had mated with an evil spirit and in rural areas burned to the mother and newborn twins. In 1949 there were in Tibet no electricity, no roads, no hospitals or almost schools. Many servants starving while some monasteries hoarded wealth and burned large quantities of food as offerings. Most infants died before their first birthday. The infant mortality rate in 1950 was 43 percent. Smallpox affected a third of the population. Leprosy, tuberculosis, goiter, tetanus, blindness, venereal diseases and ulcers caused great mortality. Life expectancy in 1950 -year a china- survey was 35 years.
The extended by the monks made them oppose superstition antibiotics. They told the servants that disease and death were due to sins and that the only way to prevent disease was pray and pay money to the monks.
In 1950 95% of the population was illiterate. Written language only served for religious worship.
The feudal system prevented the development of the productive forces. Not allow the use of iron plows, mine coal, fish, hunt, or make health innovations of any kind. There were no communications or trade or any industry for elementary that out. A thousand years ago, when Buddhism was introduced in Tibet estimated ten million people lived but in 1950 there were only three million.
The Chinese land entered Tibet in October 1950. They defeated the army sent by the Tibetan feudal. Lasha They sent a message to this proposal: If Tibet was integrated into the People's Republic of China, the government 'Kashag' could continue to rule for a time under the direction of popular central government. The Communists do not abolish feudal practices and would take action against religion until the people did not support the revolutionary changes. The feudal government agreed and signed the Agreement of 17 points recognizing Chinese sovereignty and applied in areas under the 'Kashag' and not in other Tibetan areas where half of the population lived. In October 1951 the People's Liberation Army entered peacefully into Lasha.
Logically feudal not wait with open arms but the Communists took plotting a year to try to perpetuate their domination system. They did their best to alienate his servants with the People's Liberation Army: they spread rumors that used blood of Tibetan children as fuel for their trucks, they placed them alias Mataperros, to eliminate mad dogs biting people ...
Some monasteries became centers of counterrevolutionary activity and secret stores of weapons that American CIA sent from India. The CIA established a training center for Tibetan agents in the field Hale Rocky Mountains in Colorado, by its high altitude. Tibetans were also trained mercenaries on US bases in Guam and Okinawa. Total US military training to 1,700 Tibetans.
The army had strict orders to respect the people, their culture and their beliefs, even their superstitious fears which could not be eradicated quickly. The servants were surprised when they were hired for wages. They began arriving goods improved the lives of the population, the first telephone, telegraph, radio and printing and the first schools were installed. In a few years 6,000 students attending 79 elementary schools. Medical teams began to heal people ... Yes, attitudes began to change.
The feudal landlords were in danger his power and organized the first armed rebellion in 1956. In areas where no ruled the 17-point agreement, the Communists encouraged the servants to stop paying rent to the monasteries and nobles. In March 1959 there was a large-scale rebellion supported by the CIA, which sent its agents trained and launched shipments of munitions and sub-machine guns from C-130 aircraft of the US Air Force. The monks and their armed officers attacked the garrison of the People's Liberation Army in Lasha. The communists responded militarily and politically: 1,000 Tibetan students quickly returned Institutes for National Minorities to engage in a campaign of revolutionary change.
The government of 'Kashag', which had supported the rebellion, was dissolved. In all regions offices called organs of power to suppress the revolt were created. The 'ulag' was abolished forced labor and servitude. The slaves of the nobles were released. The main conspirators were arrested. The woman was released from polygamy. The servants stopped paying rent to the monasteries and half of them had to close.
After the defeat of the rebellion, the Dalai Lama number 14, named Tenzin Gyatso, fled into exile accompanied by 13,000 members of the nobility and the Lamaist clergy, with many of his slaves, armed guards and caravans of mules laden with riches. A government was installed in the Indian town of Dharamsala in exile. Since 1964, the Dalai Lama figured in the list of employees of the CIA, which allocated an annual amount of $ 180,000 in the framework of a program to "overthrow the communist regimes".
In September 1987 there was an uprising of monks in the Tibetan capital, who stormed a police station. In the spring of 1989 there was a new rebellion in Lasha.
Although Buddhism forbids killing and all forms of violence, the current Dalai Lama enthusiastically supported the NATO war against Yugoslavia in 1999.
José Antonio Egido, writes aptly compared antagonistically, who had 2,623 physicians in Tibet, 95 municipal hospitals and 770 clinics in 1999. The infant mortality rate in 1998 was 3%. Life expectancy is 65 years in 2009. The schooling of children reaches 82%, and is done in Chinese and Tibetan, in 2,380 schools.
Tibet is invaded by two million settlers 'have' as propaganda says. According to a census of October 1995, Tibet had 2,389,000 inhabitants of which only 3.3 percent were home 'have' less than in 1990, which was 3.7%. In 1949 there was a 1% 'have'.
People interested in social issues should know that the Dalai Lama (in the XXI century) opposes abortion, all forms of birth control and homosexuality.
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