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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Ages of Empire - The universal traits of imperialism

I came across this in Democracy and Class Struggle and found it interesting. I really hate imperialism so I hope much if this is accurate and I hope they are correct that our empire's days are numbered. I would like to live long enough to see the US empire crumble, but that may be a treat that is just out of my reach. I am 60 years old and today's millennials (or the present generation, also known as the Millennial Generationor Generation Y) seem to really like the military, and US military adventurism, more than any generation since the 1960s. But that doesn't mean things won't change for such blatant military adventurism. The simple slogan "I want to kick the bad guys ass" may not last as our young find out the realities that lie in the countries they want to fight in.
So I blog and try and bring people the truth hoping some day that I will contribute in some way to the downfall of this empire. I just fear I may run out of time before I can see the results of my work. -សតិវ អតុ

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