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Thursday, November 12, 2015

PERU: Freedom should be a right!

The National Committee on Political Prisoners:
November 11, 2015

The National Committee for Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War calls for solidarity of the peoples of Latin America and the world political prisoners in Peru against the repressive measures of political persecution and that Peru applies particularly against the people and against political prisoners.

The situation of the 300 political prisoners is a current regression imposed by the state. Having progresionado since 2003, they are back to take fundamental rights, such as the redemption of it for study and work, the denial of the benefit of conditional release, return of isolation especially the former leaders, restricting family visits among prisoners (the denial of conjugal visits), we mention especially the last decree regress back to the prison regime for political prisoners by strict political reasons.

Since 2013, when they met the 25-year sentence, three prisoners have been prevented from freedom, inventing new facts for new processes. They are: Osman Morote fellow 70-year-old companion Margot Liendo 66 years old and the companion Victoria Trujillo 55 years old, the three survivors of the genocide in Canto Grande May 1992. The most serious is that This impairment of freedom intended to extend to all prisoners the State and the reaction considered "dangerous". We demand the freedom of our three companions. Freedom is a right!

We reject the maneuvers stigmatizing state and government before the Commission to delegitimize the just demands made by the prisoners against subversion legislation whose character is the enemy criminal law against torture in detention and violations of political prisoners, demands that have been supported by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights after being studied by the agency.

We denounce the isolation and solitary confinement of Dr. Abimael Guzman Reinoso 23 years imposed on a military base as the Military Criminal Callao Naval Base without considering his advanced age of 81 years and his health problems, preventing the visit of friends, historians and journalists, restricting even once a year the family gathering with his wife and claim to annul his marriage to deepen its isolation. It is the only case in which are being denied the most basic rights, including being illegally detained in a military prison. We demand closure of the Military Penal Callao Naval Base!

In addition to former political prisoners they have imposed laws that prevent them from working in public administration, however are charged civil damages, is applied systematically monitor and is mounted sustained campaigns of political persecution, denying them the right to freedom , opinion, organization, political participation and even the intellectual and artistic work. Furthermore in Congress recently they passed a law on civil death those who had not paid civil damages which are unaffordable for exorbitant (from tens of millions to 3,700 million soles).

In this year 2015 for extraordinary powers have enacted anti-democratic legislative decrees such as the law of conspiracy, restricting regime penal execution law monitoring and further modification of the electoral law includes an express article that denies political participation to former political prisoners.

All this is a lawless ban to exclude revolutionary society, clearly showing its character undemocratic and contrary to the recent trend in the region to politically solve the problems arising from an armed process as today in Colombia between the government and the FARC. The return of all rights of political prisoners is a need for the democratization of Peruvian society requires.

Therefore, in this international campaign for political prisoners, firmly we shake our slogans:




The National Committee on Political Prisoners
November 11, 2015
This was also posted in Luminoso Futuro.

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