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Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Is the United States on the brink of a new civil war?

According to Newsweek magazine’s polling, a third of all Americans think such a conflict could break out within the next five years, with 10% thinking it “very likely to happen.” Plenty of experts agree. Back in March, State Department official Keith Mines told Foreign Policy magazine: “It is like 1859, everyone is mad about something and everyone has a gun.” He rated the odds of a second American Civil War breaking out within the next 10-15 years at 60%.

- Opinion: What are the chances that America’s disunion turns into Civil War?

By SJ Otto
A number of academics have come out with the statistics and theories of a new American Civil War.  They have mathematically written out their theories. They have used mathematics to decide who will be fighting and what hey will be fighting over?

But with all these mathematical theories, they don’t seem to know who will be fighting and who and for what. Will this be a Left-wing vs. Right-wing war? That is easy to imagine. Could there be regional fighting, over various parts of the country? Could the red neck conservatives in the Mid-west be fighting the Californians and the folks on the West and East coast?  There could be a lot of people fighting over their regional differences. Just imagine people fighting about Trump or some other rural movement vs. East and West costal people wanting a Democrat. Can these differences get so different that they would lead to a war? I can imagine that. I can also imagine that certain factions of people could turn to violence to settle differences. We have already seen signs of such factional fighting. Just after the election, there were people who said there would be war if Trump were to be removed from his president’s office,  back when there were arguments about letting Donald Trump take the office as president. Some rural people threatened armed rebellion if Trump were kept from taking office.
So it is not that hard to imagine a civil war where are people intent on seeing certain political factions taking office.     
I know there are some groups here in the US who want to start a People’s War. That would definitely start up a civil war. Maybe theses academias are looking at the possibility of People’s War leading to a civil war?

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