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Monday, September 16, 2019

A fairly or nearly complete debate on the merits of Chairman Gonzalo

I like a good debate among the Maoist movements here at this blog and there is the role of Chairman Gonzalo.[1] He is one of those important Maoists to come along since Mao won control of China. And to me, this is a very interesting and important issue. Unfortunately many of those who oppose Chairman Gonzalo do so claiming that he is one of the more violent and destructive rebel leaders in Latin America.[2] There is some truth to that, but let’s not forget that he was involved in a war. There is no clean way to fight a war. He may have been excessive at times, but he was fighting a war. Wars are nasty and there is no clean way to fight them.

Let’s remember that we here at this blog are revolutionaries and that kind of politics requires warfare. Another drawback to the Gonzalo philosophy is that they spent a lot of time opposing revisionists. I have taken a different approach. I have tried to be more inclusive and include as many various Marxist groups and ideologies as possible.
Despite all of these differences I have given the supporters of Gonzalo a lot of space for their points of view here at this blog. So to those who said “that the third (or fourth) and highest stage of Marxism is Gonzalo thought—I do not agree with that. Some Gonzaloites have denied that Gonzalo is the third or next highest “sword of Maoism.” They claim he is just a political theorist who has adopted Maoism to the Latin American culture.
Either way I feel Gonzalo has contributed much to Maoism. Until he was captured in 1992 he had the most progressive and dynamic revolution in Latin America. He was on the edge of a successful revolution. He was winning. –SJ Otto
So here are some views from RED DE BLOGS COMUNISTAS:

(All theses articles have been translated by Google)

Against the imposture of a so-called "gonzalism" fourth and still higher stage of the development of Marxism
By Serve in Environment on September 9, 2019 at 13:15

So it is confirmed: there is indeed a leftist tendency in the international MLM, mainly in Europe / West, which "thinks" (so-called) to the question with the firm objective in mind to proclaim the "gonzalism" new 4th and higher stage of the development of Marxism (after Leninism and Maoism).
This, AGAINST GONZALO HIMSELF who has always said and reaffirmed to be only "the one who said" that the third and highest stage of Marxism that was Maoism existed and in what it consisted; and ALWAYS clearly said himself that what he (or his Party) could say of universal scope (generally presented as such at the very moment of being uttered) was none other than Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, mainly Maoist , JOINING in this 3rd and higher development of Marxist thought that is NOT reduced to Mao's universal theoretical contributions, even if these are the main ones, but include others, including ... even Gonzalo and his comrades.
YES, Gonzalo and the PCP have made contributions of universal value ... to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism ! And no to some phantasmagoric "pre-4th and even higher development", hardly the 3rd synthesized ...
Universal principles are explicitly , for them, the logical consequences of the application of the MLM in its more correct understanding ; nothing less, but nothing more!

A new and higher development of Marxism consists of a set of contributions 1 ° / universal value, 2 ° / news (correcting or completing something that was badly or incompletely understood before), and 3 ° / in principle, demonstrated in practice (This explains why the universality, or rather the applicability of the protracted People's War in the developed imperialist countries is still debated, since no GPP has ever triumphed or even been consequent, but good at this game the way "October" accumulation of strength - insurrection has never been demonstrated either ...).
And this, again, in the three (and not just one or two of the three) different areas that are scientific socialism, political economy and philosophy.
Not only does it seem difficult to see how the theoretical production of Gonzalo and PCP fulfills these criteria; but it seems even more difficult to imagine that they had, between 1980 and 1988, synthesized Maoism as a third and higher stage, explained that such a set of contributions by Mao and some others following his example constituted such an extension of Marxism- Leninism, and in what way ... to immediately consider that all this would be imperfect / incomplete and would require an overtaking in a 4th and even higher stage!

What events might well justify the need for such an overrun; events comparable to the bankruptcy of the 2nd International in the first revisionism at the beginning of the 20th century and especially in 1914, or that of the 3rd (Comintern then Kominform) in revisionism after the Second World War and especially after 1956; while the MLM comes (in the 1980s) to be synthesized as such and since then the international communist movement has been slowly developing again on this basis?
This drift, which can be described as lin-piaoism (as Lin Piao with Mao: organize the "cult", the exaggeration of the intellectual contribution of a personality - which in this case is not in situation to confirm or contradict - in order to make it the "high priests"), is well emblematic and explains a lot of things in particular concerning the problems that raises for years the transplantation of the MLM, to the big contributors all of the "Third World ", imperialist West ...
And indeed, represents perhaps one of the most formidable weapons of the Modern Fascism infiltrated within even the communist movement of our time, the movement MLM, to torpedo it.
It is time to fight with all the forces of genuine Maoism against this deviation typical of the Western petty bourgeoisie (particularly from Germanic Europe and the North - but also perhaps from North America - which, let us say it clearly, is bored in life and needs to find such a "title of glory", that of having "synthesized" from nowhere a new stage of Marxism, to feel important and exist).

["gt" = Gonzalo Thought, Gonzalo Thought; that is, the "thought" which constitutes the concrete application of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to the concrete conditions of Peru (and, strictly speaking, of Latin America); and that it is here, "all in subtlety" ... not to proclaim directly in "-ism" ("gonzalism"), but to add behind MLM mode "mainly" (whereas when Gonzalo and the Peruvian Maoists took positions of validity according to them universal, they presented them as "Marxist-Leninist-Maoists, mainly Maoists ", in other words "to have really understood what the addition of Maoism means after Marxism and Leninism" ...
"crf" = Red Flag Committee (or Rote Fahne in German), a small Maoist group from Germany that plays an important role as the "hard gonzalist" line in Europe, while also playing a role, healthy this one , in the unmasking of the imposture "MPP Sol Rojo"(ultra-leftist Peruvian liquidator in exile in Sweden, in vague connection with an "opportunistic line of left-in-reality-of-right" in Peru itself) which had lasted too long for more than 10 years, and whose main Francophone mouthpieces of the "Maoists" -CIA were the (well known to SLP readers) "p''''mlm" - "Milky Way" - "lesmaté" ... And who still during this decade before being unmasked, largely given the "the" at the international level of what was supposed to be "true Maoism" according to the Peruvian conception, "mainly Maoist", with limit the temptation (that the it felt permanent) to proclaim a new "gonzalist" stadium .]
[Another example, by "gonzalist" US (call "gonzalist") deleterious elements who are actively working on this delusional proclamation of a "Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Gonzalism" to be able to get away from the "glory" of the have proclaimed ...):
"Today Gonzalo Thought is already taking over the role of Mao Zedong Thought, it is both a demarcation and an application outside of Peru. of Latin America, Europe, and the US have discovered that certain contributions of Gonzalo Thought are indeed universal ( yes , the "mates": the theoretical production of Gonzalo and PCP, as we have said, has made valuable contributions universal ... to Maoism, like Stalin, or Dimitrov - for example fascism , which Lenin had hardly known and not analyzed at all - to Leninism!) .This has not been synthesized , but the possibility remains intact . Such a synthesis is well beyond the means of our journal so we can not concern ourselves with this issue of this task in the capable hands of the revolutionaries in the storm centers. "

Marxist-Leninist-Maoist blog
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Regarding an article by the comrades of Servir le Peuple (Occitania) on "Gonzalism" as an ultra-left current. An article by Comrade Miguel Alonso.

Regarding an article by the comrades of Servir le Peuple (Occitania) on "Gonzalism" as an ultra-left current.
Miguel Alonso.

Last days we published an article, by the Maoist comrades of Occitania, in which the so-called "Gonzalismo" was criticized as an ultra-left current.
They maintain that there is a current in Maoism, which aims to raise Gonzalo Thought to the fourth stage of the mlm, giving it a universal character.
As comrades point out, this is an imposture that goes against Gonzalo's own thought and against the work of the Communist Party of Peru to make Maoism command and guide of the World Proletarian Revolution. 
It is precisely Gonzalo Thought, the application of Maoism to the conditions of the New Democracy Revolution in Peru. President Gonzalo himself was very clear on this issue. I think they should read, more and better, the texts of the Pdte. Gonzalo
Now, it should not be confused, with the comrades who maintain, in a fight of lines, the universal character of certain aspects of Gonzalo Thought, based on a call from the PCP at the international level. Organizations or Parties such as the PC do Brasil (red fraction) or the Rote Fahne Committee of Germany among others.
Among these contributions, of a universal nature, would be the militarization of the PCs  or the concentric construction of the three instruments (form of reconstruction of the PC).
This is a topic of debate, within the International Communist movement, which will surely be the object of struggles at the next unified International Conference,  but which in no case revolves around a new "ism".
By raising, in a determined way, the red flag of Maoism, the PCP and President Gonzalo carried out a victorious revolutionary work, not only nationally but also internationally, making internationalist organizations such as the MRI, of which they were part, advance in the Compression of Maoism as a third and superior stage of Marxism-Leninism. Declaration of 1993 "Long live Maoism"  
We see in it, a great contribution of Gonzalo Thought to the MCI, its firm defense of Maoism as a third and superior stage and its application to the Revolution in Peru.
Now, as the comrades of Occitania point out, there are false individuals and organisms that deal with Gonzalo Thought, such as the “MPP Red Sun” Sweden or the “mlm Milky Way” that taking advantage of, the love and respect of the masses for the leader of the revolution in Peru, they  intend to create "cults" in order to establish themselves as "high priests". After these maneuvers, of true right false left, everything points to revisionism and repressive organisms interested in breaking up the European Maoists, avoiding their development and application to the revolution in the imperialist countries. 
Therefore, his complaint is fair and the ideological and political struggle of these sinister maneuvers of metaphysical magical thinking, totally alien to MLM, mainly Maoism, becomes necessary.

Posted by dazibao red 

Alan said ...
Alan said ...
They raise the red flag to defame it is what has happened there is the story to check it and Marx's hard test to IMPOSE COMMUNISM. That is, Gonzalo thought should not be imposed because it is the property of MLM science and must be folded. What is the use of the development of the science of MLM, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and today Gonzalo Thought, should not be imposed according to the questioning of Gonzalo Thought. These people are raving, they are possessed by the spirit of Trostkism as they go through ridicule. Thanks to the violent class struggle, leaderships are emerging capable of seeing everything, organizing and directing and coming to power as the Titans of communism did.
Gonzalo thought is the science that has given it to us to make the communist revolution and not to talk about it. A man of science has spoken to us and put in his place how much talk he went through to sabotage the development of Maoism in Gonzalo Thought.

A little history: ¨ ... Marx needed a complete plan of action, based on the study of history and the observation of the contemporary scene, little or no sympathy was to be inspired by the reformers and prophets who met in the Paris halls and cafes, by the time of your arrival. They were certainly more intelligent, more responsible and politically more influential than the philosophers of Berlin's cafés, but that is that He appeared as gifted visionaries — Robert Owen__, liberal reformers Ledru Rollin__o, like Mazzini, a combination of both , who were not prepared, ultimately, to do anything for the working class; or, they were sentimental idealists, little bourgeois disguised as wolves being lambs, like Proudhon or Louis Blanc, whose ideals could be of attainable facts,

Today the attacks against the science of MLM and against Gonzalo thought do not cease, Gonzalo thinking being the result of the development of MLM in the scene of the people's war and not otherwise can be verified, so the science of communism is established as such to the heat of the popular wars and not of gifted sentimentalities SMALL BURGUES DISGUISED OF WOLVES BEING LAMBS.
We will defend this science with blood and fire as it has been for the leaders of communism to prevail. Gonzalo thought will be imposed on those who hurt because we work with the world proletariat and the militarization of mainly Maoist parties will never deal with opportunists, reformers, revisionists, we will fight them in all areas and we will not hesitate. Our task is the world Maoist communist revolution Gonzalo Thought !!!

[1] AKA; Manuel Rubén Abimael Guzmán Reynoso.

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