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Friday, September 02, 2005

Wichita Kansas hosted a Camp Casey Meet

According to The Wichita Eagle, Sep. 02, 2005, "Anti-war protest comes to Wichita ":
“Some of the white crosses from Cindy Sheehan's Camp Casey in Crawford, Texas, appeared in a north Wichita lawn Thursday.
The crosses, symbolizing American soldiers who died in Iraq, were part of an anti-war rally at the Peace & Social Justice Center, 1407 N. Topeka.
Members of Iraq veterans' and military families' groups who spent time with Sheehan during her nearly monthlong vigil outside President Bush's ranch drove an RV to Wichita as part of an effort to bring the troops home from Iraq.
The RV will travel to 16 other cities as it makes its way across the country to an anti-war rally in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 24.”

From Diane Wahto, Peace_and_Justice_Kansas@yahoogroups. Com:

First, I want to thank all those who helped organize this event. Horace Santry and Mary Harren worked hard to make the Camp Casey people welcome. Those people are phenomenal and we wish them a safe journey as they travel across the country. Thanks to all who attended, whether you were there this morning or came by last night.
Those of you who were there at the press conference probably realize that the TV coverage missed the essence of the event when it showed the confrontation between the peace people and the pro-war supporters. The man pictured in the TV coverage I saw is Troy Newman, head of Operation Rescue West, an anti-choice group that is anything but peaceful. One of their members has served time in jail for bombing a clinic and these people picket outside of churches and in the neighborhoods of the people with whom they disagree. I know some of the Peace Center members do not support abortion rights and we have never taken an official stand on that issue because of that. However, Mr. Newman and his crowd are anything but peaceful. They are disruptive and there is evidence that they major goal is to line their own pockets.
Thanks to Cody and Horace for trying to keep the peace. And I would ask all our Peace Center people to stay peaceful when we have an event. It does no good to confront people. We have to lead by example.

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