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otto's war room banner

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Fundamentalists Christian whackos finally get a taste of their own medicine

A well organized group of students from West High confronted Spirit One Church, which has been trying to harass and indoctrinate the students of various local schools. The protest was caught on local TV Channel 12, KWCH.

"There was a spirited protest Sun. morning against the tactics ofSpirit One congregation taking their intolerance to West High andother schools. Louis was great and a real natural on the bull horn. Slogans such as "stop the hate", "stop the gore" "stay away from ourschools", "keep religion out of it", "lies, lies" and even "wipe thedrool" after one of the rabid preachers from the church was foaming atthe mouth with spittle visible on his chin for several minutes--gross!The students were awesome!"
From:, janbrad89

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