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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

German government fears Nepal’s Maoist insurgency

Franz Ring

The ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Nepal, Franz Ring, has said the Maoist insurgency remains the most serious, immediate threat to a peaceful, prosperous and democratic Nepal.In a message given on the occasion of 15th anniversary of the German Unity Day Monday (Oct. 3), the German envoy said top priority should be given to bring an end to the armed conflict. He called upon what he called all legitimate political forces to unite to bring Nepal back into a multi-party democratic framework and to address the Maoist insurgency by peaceful negotiations.“As a friend of Nepal and partner in development cooperation, Germany is very much interested in the destiny of the Kingdom of Nepal and its people. Germany remains extremely concerned about the armed conflict which began in February 1996 and spread nearly all over the country since then, ” said ambassador Ring in his message. “The German people have great sympathy for the Nepalese population which suffers most under the armed conflict. We wholeheartedly wish that peace can be regained in a not too distant future, ” the envoy further said.Referring to the long-running political stalemate in the country, ambassador Ring said the constitutional forces (in Nepal) should reach out hands to each other in order to allow a dialogue to happen and common ground to be found for a solution to the overarching conflict.The envoy also referred to the fight people of former East Germany fought against the communist dictatorship through peaceful means to win their freedom. Germany is one of the leading development partners of Nepal. It is also a major market for Nepali hand-woven carpets. Nepal and Germany had established diplomatic ties on April 4, 1958. by Oct 03 05

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