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Monday, October 24, 2005

Red Ribbon Week – Get real!

Samhain picture from Celtic Spirit

Oct. 23 – 31 is Red Ribbon Week. It was founded by anti-drug and alcohol warriors and one of their goals is to get prominent adults to agree not to drink during Red Ribbon week.
Of course that leaves out Halloween (or Samhain if you’re a Pagan or neo-Pagan) Parties. For some of us, Halloween is the best holiday of the year. Parties with no drinking? Are they serious? Only a complete moron could think up such an idiotic idea.
Then there’s the whole concept of trying to change societies views on alcohol, regardless of what people think. For centuries, youthful drinking was a right of passage. Now it’s a crime and it’s now backed by new laws that hold people liable for underage drinking in their home, even if they are not there and don’t know about it.
The fact is that binge drinking and alcohol related deaths have actually increased since this “teenage abstinence” movement, since people under 21 have no way of learning to drink responsibly. It’s illegal for them, so they usually binge drink until they are bombed or sick.
Trying to change tradition is just plain asinine. But the new Puritan moralists running our society can’t be convinced of that. Every time the situation gets worse, they simply do more of what doesn’t work. It’s like purring gas on a fire to put it out. And some people never learn from their mistakes.

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