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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

New Bolivian president takes back resources

Right after the upset for the US corporate government, in Venezuala where elected President Hugo Chavez has taken back control of the country’s resources, President George Bush must now deal with the same situation in Bolivian with newly elected president Evo Morales.

According to the BBC news, 2 May 2006:

“Brazil and Spain have reacted sharply to a decree from Bolivia's President Evo Morales which asserts state control over the country's energy industry.
Under the May Day decree, private energy companies will have to sell a controlling stake to the Bolivian government and renegotiate contracts.
At the largest gas fields, royalty payments will increase from 50% to 82%.
The fate of Bolivia's gas reserves was at the heart of protests which saw two presidents thrown out of office.
Morales' move is the fulfillment of an election promise to secure better benefits for impoverished ordinary Bolivians from the gas reserves - the second largest in the continent.”

All across South America, left-leaning leaders are getting elected and taking back or protecting their natural resources. The people in that part of the world are sick of the US controlling everything they do and controlling their resources.
That’s another hit in the wallet for those who drive those big gas-guzzling SUVs, mini-vans or pickup trucks (for their looks only).
It looks like the conservatives will have to rely more and more on their Mid-east war to provide for the gas thirsty middle class and petit bourgeois drivers. Oil from Venezuela and the rest of Latin American will no longer be cheap.

"The time has come, the awaited day, a historic day in which Bolivia retakes absolute control of our natural resources. "

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