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Saturday, July 01, 2006

Obama and the Democrats have bombed again

Once again, the Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot, trying to sound like Republicans. Or maybe that is the results of a two-party system where the winner takes all and the losers get nothing.
Now, according to The Wichita Eagle, June 30, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., said he thinks Democrats should reach out to churchgoing Americans, saying that if Democrats “don't reach out to evangelical Christians and other religious Americans and tell them what we stand for, Jerry Falwells and Pat Robertsons will continue to hold sway.”
There are progressive people in various Christian Churches that are willing to work with people on the left. They oppose the war in Iraq and have done a lot of work on such issues. But what about the majority who have hammered away at abortion rights, gay marriage, support of the war and waging a relentless war against non-Christians and their rights in this society?
Yes they are the majority, especially the evangelicals. For those of us who are not Christians, this is just one more step to helping the religious right form a theocracy in this country.
So if the Democrats start courting the enemies of all non-Christians, WHO WILL support us. Will there be anyone for us to vote for in the next elections? So far it doesn’t look like it.
Obama isn’t alone. Many Democrats are jumping on his bandwagon. For example, according to The Wichita Eagle, Jun. 29:
"Keeping the environment pristine and green and passing it on, I think that's a faith issue," said Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C. Some speeches even had the air of a Baptist revival, with supporters shouting, "Amen" and "All right, preach it!"

It’s nice that these people are concerned about the environment, but that still doesn’t help the minority of this country who see Christianity as a religion with a past history of crimes against humanity, including burning of Witches, heretics, the Crusades, and our present war against the Mid-East Moslems.

What will the Democrats to next? Will they reach out to the Ku Klux Klan?
Once again, the left is excluded in US politics and forced to defend itself.
There is a culture war and we will fight it, here in the US.

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