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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

New Maoist Iraqi rebel movement

There is a new Maoist group that claims to be taking up arms in Iraq and it is reaching out to the Maoist internationals for recognition and support. I believe they deserve the support. The official Communist Party of Iraq is taking part in the puppet elections and collaborating with the imperialist army of our country.
Yes the war in Iraq is more than just a peace issue. It’s one more example of a country (ours) that simply refuses to give up its ambitious empire building and playing “world cop.” The other opposition groups in the country are Islamic and want a theocracy. Why would we want to support that? I know I don’t want to live under it.

There are those who oppose this new group with a host of complaints. See the example below:

“- wrfdpdsr13 <> wrote:> Dear comrades , first thank you for our responses> .........> Regards the> we have the following critisism about them:> 1.They claim that thier ideaology is the Maoism, but> thier practice > is the opposite for that, this is very obvous from> what appear in > thier web sites which unfortuantly not available in> english and many > comrades my will not confidant what I will say about> them:> > 1.They veiw the socialism as the first stage of> communism and > subsiquently it should be subjucted to pure> communist laws only and > it must reject any need to the use of the economical> drives to > stimulate the workers and the farmares to increase> thier productions > and it should depend only on the mental drive for> this achievments, > while the Maoism according to the teaching of both> Great Mao and > comrade Kim Il Sung is a transitional stage between> capitalism and > communism and subsiquently should subjected to> double laws : the use > of economical drives in addition to the> psychological and > idealogical drives (which came from the applivations> of personality > cult ) to stimulate the workers to increase their > productions .........This principle is the core of> Maoism according > to Mao Tsitung and Kim Il Sung, whithout which the> communist party > is not maoist : in breav the do not> apply the > economical programe of Maoism and have no disign for> the socialist > system that they struggle to achieve......> > 2.They do not apply the Maoist approach towards the> religione and > the beleivers but instad of this they apply very> agressive anti-> religion approach ( they do not the religious> reactionism only as we > do , but they attach the religion as a whole in way> not related to > Maoism ). When Mao reach to power in china the C.P> of China made > from Mao an God for the chinies and they put Mao to> be of religious > power by put hem as taking a religion power from the> Chinies Gods(I > can express comrade my langauge is weak but the idea> is clear ). > They deny such historical fact about Maoism and> China revolution > that all the world know .....)> > 3.They refuse to deal withe volume 6,7,8,9 of Mao> Tsetung selected > works and the collective works of Mao in 9 volume> till 1949 for > being not published by China officially although> these works > available on the MAI (, the depend> on > only> > 4.They are too highly dogmatic refuse to confess any> mistak or oild > fashin aspect of marxism aspect in way opposit to> what applied by > the real Maoist parties such as the Maoist communist> party of > Indea .........> > 5.They use the tearm revisionist against any one who> disagree with > hem about any essue even very simple , and as just> simple example on > thier view they disicribe Enver Hoxha ( leader of> socialist > revolution in Albania as being revisionist !!!!!!> for being anti-> maoist while the correct is that the man was> dogmatic not > revisionist ........”

What’s the point of all this complaining? Who else do we support? The web address for this new groups is or click on Marxist-Leninist-Revolutionaries (MLR) of IRAQ

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