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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Kline – The fungus that won’t go away

It was announced on Dec. 19, 2006:"Anti-abortion group honors Phill Kline"Associated PressTOPEKA - Voters in Kansas rejected Attorney General Phill Kline, but the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue is naming him its "Man of the Year."Kline, a vocal and longtime opponent of abortion, waged a two-year legal battle to obtain the records of 90 patients from two abortion clinics. Kline has said he is investigating potential crimes that include illegal late-term abortions.Operation Rescue said it would have been "politically expedient" for Kline to drop his investigation. Kline's pursuit of the records became a political liability, with his critics -- and some voters -- seeing it as a potential invasion of privacy.The group is also honoring Leslie Unruh as its "Woman of the Year." She founded a Sioux Falls, S.D., group that counsels women considering abortions and those who have had them. Operation Rescue described her as instrumental in persuading her state's legislators to pass a law banning most abortions"

So what kind of morons would bestoy such an honor on such a do nothing, no nothing person?

And their not finished yet. They continue to hold rallies and use Kline office to push through new unsubstantiated and completely false indictments against abortion Dr. George Tiller. They relentlessly believe they can get rid of him if they just throw enough false accusation at him. Our local chapter of ProKanDo is raising money and doing all they can to try and take the steam out of the radically fundamentalist Christians.


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