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Saturday, January 20, 2007

New book comming "Can You Pas the Acid Test?"

may have a new book coming out soon called "Can you Pas the Acid Test?" I'm supposed to receive a contract for it. Unlike my present book, this is a non-fiction history of the drug and counter culture of the 20th century.

The title comes from a pamphlet that was passed out for a rave in the 1960s where a person could get in for a set price and take all the legal LSD they could get and listen to such bands as the Grateful Dead or the Jefferson Airplane.

And drugs didn't start with the 1960s. White actors and actresses were getting busted for heroin possession clear back in the 1920s.

Heroin was the white man's illegal drug of choice and pot was associated with Mexican immigrants. The idea was that if you move up to pot, the addiction was worse and the drug more dangerous. Why? Mexicans used it.

Sorry no stories of explicit sexual debauchery or wild drug hallucinations, as with the Memoirs book. If you want that, you'll have to settle for Memoirs. This is just a history book.

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