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Monday, February 12, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith – because we loved a good con

There world is a lesser place without Anna Nicole Smith. Not that she was an extremely talented person or that she was a carry individual or politically left. No she was successful white trash – and I mean that in a positive way.
Roseanne Barr once called herself “white trash with money.” But Roseanne was a comic genius who clawed her way to success from small night clubs. She was able to provide the Hollywood elites with a show that focused on working class people and their everyday lives.
Anna was a hustler and she new all the angles. She made it as a Playboy centerfold, then married oil billionaire J. Howard Marshall, 63 years her senior, resulted in considerable speculation that she married the octogenarian merely for his money.
Who knows if the stories of her harsh treatment of the old fart who obviously married a trophy wife he probably had little sex with, due to his rotten health, were true. Never the less, after appearing in court, she won a lot of his money.
Then she landed a show where all she did was go around and treat people like shit. Her entourage had to constantly suck up to her and the only thing that made that job look better than appearing on Jerry Springer is that they made a lot of money.
Her Christmas special was a real all time winner. She invited family and friends to get together, drink and get in fights. For everyone I know who lost their kids or come from an extremely dysfunctional family, this must have been a great alternative to the sappy Christmas specials of famous people who present boring caroling, short guest appearances of famous people who actually didn’t have to do anything other than show up and a lot of clap trap of how we are supposed to feel at that magic holiday. For Anna, this was not for her. Of all the things she did, I would give anything to have a copy of that Christmas special and show it every year to cheer me up.
So why will I miss a self absorbed insensitive rich bitch who gave little back to the world she lived high off the hog in? It’s simple --- America loves a good con. Remember how popular “The Sting” (1973) was? Americans love a good con when they are not the victim. Anna Nicole Smith played all the angles like a professional pool player and until the death of her son, she always won.
And that’s what some of us will miss. Christmas will never be the same without her.

Some of us want to believe the quarter is really behind our ear.

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