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Monday, April 16, 2007

Bombings continue in Afghanistan

While Iraq still eclipses Afghanistan as the main issue of George Bush’s presidency, the other war is still deadly. The following head line comes from our local The Wichita Eagle:

Suicide attack kills 10 in Afghanistan
Associated Press Writer

Canadian Press, Ryan Remiorz
Bomadier Dave Eggert with 2nd the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery B Troop cleans his weapon as the sun sets at the forward operating base in Helmand Province, Afghanistan on Sunday, April 15, 2007.

KABUL, Afghanistan - A suicide bomber ran onto a police training field and blew himself up, killing up to 10 policemen and wounding dozens of others Monday in northern Afghanistan, officials said.
The Taliban claimed responsibility for the deadly strike.
The suicide attack happened in the relatively quiet city of Kunduz, as police were carrying out their regular morning exercises, said Abdul Hadi, a security official. Hadi said that according to preliminary reports, 10 police were killed and 10 were wounded.
Azizullah Safar, chief of the Kunduz hospital, said nine of the victims brought to his hospital had died and 32 were wounded, including four in critical condition.”

On the heals of one of the most deadly massacres on a US campus, this news story gets the back seat. Yet these kinds of killings go on regularly in Afghanistan and the people there have to endure it. While the US keeps a lower profile and suffers fewer casualties in Afghanistan, it’s just one more example of a failed policy of trying to “Americanize” a part of the world that already has it’s own traditions and they are only too aware of why this country is really there. It’s also a good reason to demand we take all our troops out of the Middle-east and not just Iraq.

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