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Sunday, April 22, 2007

Happy Earth Day/ or Venus Day

This is that time of year we all celebrate the wonders of nature and the natural resources, which we have and the wild life we have nearly driven to extinction. While most people play video games and talk on their cell phones, they’re not thinking much about global warning and the loss of wildlife habitat. Most people I know hate snakes and kill them for no reason. They automatically kill poison snakes as if that is the normal thing to do. More poison snakes die from humans than the other way around.

When the Earth only a few million years old, the planet Venus was only 90 degrees warmer. I had oceans and may have had life. Over the years the oceans boiled off, the carbon, which on Earth is found mostly in our oceans, leached into the air. The greenhouse affect has left us a planet of 900 degrees, an atmosphere almost 200 times as thick as Earths, and cloud tops that rain sulfuric acid.
But that could resemble the future of Earth if we continue to just blow off conservationists as “tree-huggers.”
Personally, I hope nature wipes our race out and like the dinosaurs, which were not all that bright, we will simply be one more notch of mass extinction on the planet Earth. In case we do survive, I believe I will celebrate Venus Day - the future we are striving to create.

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