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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Wichita gets attacked by Prez Bush- the Slime monster

Yes the dumb-ass sleazebag, possibly dumbest and worst president in history, will be in Wichita tomorrow, mostly to sure up support for his Republican lackeys and slime-balls in the upcoming election.

According to The Wichita Eagle:

"Happy to see Bush? Yes and no

BY CHRISTINA M. WOODS, The Wichita Eagle

No longer do rundown duplexes and buildings dominate 21st Street near Grove. Upstart and growing businesses fill three busy strip malls. A 2-year-old fire station displays African-inspired masks and tiles that declare strength, valor and bravery. And the Opportunity Drive complex, featuring a new Boys & Girls Club, a preschool and eventually a school, has drawn the attention of President Bush.

But Bush's visit creates mixed feelings for people who live and work in the neighborhood, if conversations with about 20 people Wednesday were any indication."

Well, some of us are not happy to see him and we plan to protest his visit every minute he is here. Our numbers will be small, but Kansas' opposition needs to be heard. Even some Republicans are getting sick of the way their party has blundered and wasted some much of the tax-payers time and energy on stupidity. The war is not popular even in this town.

And of course the highlight of Dumb-Asses visit is to sure up support and raise lots of money for the Republican slime that miss-represent us in Kansas. For $500 a plate you can have dinner with the top Shit head of the country. Hiel to the thief.

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