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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Maoist have lost a valuable comrade: Chuck Blackmon

I new Chuck blackmon for years. he attended many of my parties with his wife from Nicaragua. He was a devout Maoist his entire life. The struggle against the capitolist system will never seem the same without him. He was a great friend of mine. The following was written by my friend Fern M. Van Gieson:

" Dear Mary - I feel a number of people on your email network will want to > know about this. Please send a message out for me.> > Chuck died on last Thursday morning following a battle with cancer and> before and during that Photo Stolen from the Wichita Eagle
time a long period during which he suffered > severe pain in his back from spinal deterioration. Obit is in the Eagle.> > The memorial service will be tomorrow morning at 10 am, 1st Unitarian> Universalist Church, 1501 Fairmount. Directions: From the corner of> Hillside and East 13th St it is two blocks east and one block north. > Come in south entrance facing E 14th St.> > Ileana is suffering and as you know all of her own family is in > Nicaragua. She needs comfort and support. Colleen and Jim Johnston and > family are close friends as well as Herb and I. Chuck's family is > rallying around as are Ileana's many friends from the schools where she > has and is currently working. But many responses to her loss is both a > personal and cultural need for her. Her phone # is 516-6185. Her > address is 2320 Hiram 67213.> > Please if you can, in addition to sending out the email to your list, > call Carol Konek, Barb, Dottie and ask them to call others they may be > aware had connections with the Blackmons.> > More later. I'll try to reach you by phone. I now have a cell phone, > 213-3855.> > I was sorry to miss the last demo on Thursday but of course could not be > there. Love, Fern"

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