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Friday, July 27, 2007

New From Nepal

A lot of people have been sceptical of the Communist Party of Nepal(Maoist). Will the party survive this arrangement? The party leadership is convinced it will. Only time will tell.
http://groups. group/MAOIST_ REVOLUTION/

Finally the cabinet decided the date of CA Polls that would be held on 22nd November. The 12 point agreement was made on 7 Manasir 062. In order to establish a democratic setup in the country. By this historical agreement, Communist Party Of Nepal (Maoist) who launched a people's war for ten year came to an understanding with other seven parliamentarian parties. Only that resulted the People's movement-II to a definite goal.Consequently the feudal king fell on the ground and the people got victory over him. By that movement the people gave a strong message to the leaders to form a constituent assembly through the electoral process. Unlike this, the then ruling parties couldn't take a bold decision to form a new government including the representatives of Maoist in time. Truly speaking, they failed to implement the Baluwatar understanding in which Chairman Prachanda represented the summit talks in order to felicitate the peace process. But, the parties delayed to go ahead practically and it couldn't ratify the constitution within fixed schedule and the process of making a new constitution was delayed.There's no doubt, the government couldn't hold the election by mid June which was the expected time for the people. Only the growing pressure of civic society and Nepali people forced the political parties to form a new government and on 1 April 2007 the eight party government was formed. CA Poll is the main agenda of CPN (Maoist) and in any cost the party was not involved in the cabinet no political party was ready to fix the date of election. The royalist imperialists want to make this process and they are not in favor of establishing peace in the country. These unwanted forces are hatching conspiracy and they want to create the problem in Madesh, Terai and hilly region by different names and organizations.In this situation the date of CA polls is declared. The minimum agenda of Nepali people is to establish a republican setup. Hence, CPN(Maoist) intends to declare a republican country from the parliament, but other parties are not still clear about it. In the one hand, parties should be clear about holding the election in time and on the other hand they ought to be ready for clearing the ways for the election. Right now, regressive forces are hatching conspiracies against the CA polls. Therefore, we ought to fight against any sort of foreign interference that stops to achieve our national goal. In the next side, unless the government addresses the problems of Madesh, Terai, sex, aboriginal people the country can't hold the election in time.Now, everyone wants the election of CA polls ought to be held through free and fair manner. For this, the government should create a constructive environment. No party should misuse the state power. The election affected by power won't be accepted by the people. The government should think about it in time. For the first time, Nepali people would get a chance to use their vote for making their own constitution. This election helps us make a new Nepal. Every racial group represent after the election and we shouldn't marginalize any group, caste etc. The present government should show strong desire for holding the election in time. The parties should be united for completing this historical duty. Let us be hopeful, we achieve our goal and it won't turn to fake drama. For this, we should pressure the government.

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