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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

More ignorance from Prez Bush- Vietnam war should have gone on

Prez. George Bush always amazes me. Does there ever reach a point where the man just can't get any more ignorant on foreign affairs and history? Recent remarks he made in a speech prove "NO"!
He actually believes we should have stayed in Vietnam after we lost 50,000 people in an attempt to force our way of life on Vietnam. In his remarks to
The Wichita Eagle, Aug 22, 2007:

"In his address today to the VFW convention in Kansas City, Mo., President Bush stressed a historical analogy between Iraq and Vietnam -- something he's avoided in the past. "One unmistakable legacy of Vietnam," Bush said, "is that the price of America's withdrawal was paid by millions of innocent citizens whose agonies would add to our vocabulary new terms like 'boat people,' 're-education camps' and 'killing fields.'"
Actually any historian worth his weight will remark that are presents created the "Killing fields" and the need for "boat people."

It's not surprising Bush doesn't mind that we lost more than 50.000 of our own sons due to the mistaken idea The US could create a clone of itself in South Vietnam.
Of course he was talking to member of the Veterans of Foreign wars, some of who are the most right-wing jingoistic imperialist people in America, who seem to think we should fight as many wars as possible so we can continue to celebrate VFWs.

Also in The Wichita Eagle, Aug. 22, 2007:
"And it's not up to the politicians in Washington, D.C., to say whether he will remain in his position," Bush said. "It is up to the Iraqi people who now live in a democracy and not a dictatorship."

Bush wouldn't know what democracy is if it bit him in the ass. He has done all he can to wipe it out here, now he claims to support it in Iraq. This would be laughable it he were not so stupid and his actions so dangerous.
Bush's knowledge of history is in line with his overall knowledge of politics. Ronald McDonald makes more intelligent remarks that Bush does about anything. The Vietnam Was a colossal mistake and those who haven't learned that lesson should not get near politics. Vietnam nearly brought this nation down. I now hope Iraq will at some point finish the job.

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