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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Religious fanatics win another election using “the big lie”

Once again we see the religious right win a victory in Sedgwick County in Kansas through the use of campaign lies. When the county decided to put gambling casinos in the county, a lot of us didn’t really care. But they were able to force a vote on the issue.
At first, more than 60% of our local citizens were for it. But they not only campaigned against it, they gave unsubstantiated statistics, scare tactics, such as claiming that “taxes will go through the roof’ and they used out right lies. The best example is claiming that the casino might cost Wichita Century II, a well known theater for concerts and conventions. The fact is, the pro-casino people ruled out using Century II long ago. Yet days before the election, the Vote No campaign was claiming casinos would take away Century II. This was an out right lie.
The Vote No campaign was clearly financed and worked by members of the local Christian Fundamentalists and these so called “moral people” seem to believe that lying and misrepresenting facts are fine ways to win an election. What they have done will hurt the local economy, but pushing their moral beliefs on the rest of us is what these groups are all about.
Propaganda is their weapon and the big lie is a part of it. Also religion is there weapon. They control many local gullible people who believe their lies and use fear tactics to keep them in step. A religion such as this has NO credibility.

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