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Monday, May 05, 2008

Afghan war just as bad as Iraq’s

Unfortunately, many Americans have either paid no attention to what is going on in Afghanistan or eve support our actions, even though they oppose the war in Iraq.
They actually believe that our troops are protecting them and not just taking part in The Project for the New American Century, a project that sets us up as the leader of most countries in the world, starting with the Middle east. The News media is shamelessly supporting all this crap. Just look at their spin:

Afghanistan Now Most Dangerous for U.S. Troops
With Violence Down in Iraq, Afghan Military Casualties Proportionally Much Higher
In a stunning turnaround, Afghanistan is now a more dangerous place for U.S. troops than Iraq. The death rate for U.S. troops in Afghanistan is now nearly twice the rate for those in Iraq, according to an analysis by ABC News.
It's a good news/bad news story.
On one hand, security in Iraq has dramatically improved and as a result the number of U.S. troops killed and wounded has dropped considerably. October and November have been two of the least deadly months in Iraq since the invasion in March 2003. In fact, it's the lowest two-month total of U.S. combat deaths in Iraq in nearly three years. (Not since January-February 2004 have fewer U.S. troops died in a two-month period).”

It is just plain old imperialism and nothing else. We are not fighting terrorism, we are occupying some else’s country and there is nothing democratic, just or wise in doing that. If anything it has drawn the Arab’s wrath at the U.S. and it’s people and it serves only to encourage those who would fight and try to kill us and our soldiers.
Consider this from Shola Jawid, Voice of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan:
“15 January 2007. A World to Win News Service.
As the year 2006 was drawing to a close, a large number of angry people poured into the streets of Jalalabad, the capital of the province of Nangarhar in eastern Afghanistan. In the early morning hours of 31 December, US-led soldiers had raided a home in a village south of the city, killing two people and detaining three more. The demonstrators said that that those killed were ordinary civilians. They were protesting the brutality of US-led forces and demanding the end of these atrocities
While the American military authorities refused to confirm the killings and arrests, Nangarhar province governor Gul Agha Shirazi confirmed the incident. He also told reporters, “The raid took place without consulting with us.”
This is not the first time that Jalalabad has been the scene of angry mass protests. The brutality of US-led forces has been the highest in the area. The Taleban has been active and particularly strong in that area too. The US has been unable to defeat the Taleban, and has suffered losses at the hands of these reactionaries. In retaliation, the US-led troops have targeted ordinary civilians, wreaking vengeance on them for American losses and inability to succeed in their aims.”

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