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Sunday, May 11, 2008

News from the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist-Revolutionaries of Iraq


Our resolve by the ghost of Revolutionary vibration obscurantist America invisible hand of terrorism in Iraq: Dear heroes, you are calamitous day of darkness and the people of darkness in the north and south of the country you CONTENDS The most notorious fascist dictatorship of a pattern of Kurdistan and Alasalamstanih pattern is both democratic dealers Oppressive oil, designed capital, yes, you militants and activists subject to the world Resisting the fascist dictatorships is possible if we are determined to confront the language of understanding And inflicting defeats on them .. Can not deny that this imperial empowers the Nazi Party or the other or Oppressive group or individuals the right to rape and violation of privacy rights and freedoms of students and students University of Basra, Erbil and Sulaymaniyah, or carrying on the practice barbaric acts of murder and terrorism Ugliest colors that would proletariat rape and abuse of human freedoms and dignity Rights in accordance with laws and Field jungle setting, that form of democracy Bianchi and Bianchi clients .. Bianco and export democracies of the smell that fragrance of crime and death .. Ikhosaun advocates a solution Center to open a blank page with the authority of terror and repression or tolerance with the perpetrators of such acts Evil and aggression against the students in universities and the right proletariat and the right science and life science, The right of civil and social progress that is the picture of the practices of those cells must interested terror And terror in the hearts of innocent people in order to force them to surrender under pressure herds Nazi However, the University of Basra and Sulaymaniyah, Irbil and stood and stood and heroic courage and steadfastness destinations Even shattered their dreams and the dreams of their masters, to Atrkaa authorities in both South Darkness Aouchmal Iraq does not melt Crucible negotiation process and surrender, but the language of bullets and the barrel of guns People's War which broke out under the leadership of the proletariat and the inevitable They held their doors later The misery of determination. I wonder who is Muqtada al-Barzani and Talabani and al-Jaafari and Allawi, and Saddam Hussein and Khamenei, Or Aziz Hakim, Chalabi and Al-Rubaie and Al-Sistani and al-Zarqawi and those Reagents Given birth to the world Zionist movement, led by Yankee imperialism. Midget was also making these pygmies killers of Barzani, who created Muqtada w Talabani, who have had the upper hand to liquidate the lives of dozens of children of revolutionaries Albroolitarih Anti-imperialism which are invisible hand of the imperialist terrorism in Iraq. Unfortunately, some writers mercenaries from fanatic Islamists and Alkrdstanyen and Altharivien to conform Essential dimension of humanity, are accustomed to obliterating, dedicated service in Parings Chauvinists Relying on the debate seems obvious to evade about everything related to the truth of the above two facts Or put up against the dollar compromise on their consciences and psychologically weak dollar, which speaks here It is not strongly pens or payment of dollars scattered words of the barrel when it replaced cheap Parings Aldlar judgement ashamed of cheap pens and remunerated given the role of sole leader of the fascist leader Only chosen by America, beating the dollar when the doors of the book mercenaries immediately pigmentation Skins according to request the dollar and U.S. dollar thesis carrying Parings Balamseoulih towards innocent lives Some mercenaries wrote that Talabani and Barzani field commanders fought for the liberation of people Kurdish praise murderers and criminals thus repeating songs mercenary clashes small Talabani Barzani and the pace of Saddam finance bundles of dollars each writer glorifies them blind, that Talabani raised from childhood at the hands of the offender defunct Said Gazzaz Minister of Interior During the monarchy in the mid-fifties, Barzani is also kept by the intelligence service Iranian former (Sava), Lucy J. E., yesterday they were partners in a conspiracy fascist Baath Party February during Black coup in 1963 against Qasim Authority today become the country's top tycoons Just like the son of crooked in looting the property of the poor classes. And Muqtada was the other may become Wealthy merchants also thanks so because of the Republic of turbans and opium Iranian barbarism. Dear students, you flame of a candle today in the dark until the yoke through the dark Albroolitarih Almshoukien before the revolution and the oppressed. Glory to you the greetings and solidarity of the Movement of the Revolution, like the World Albroolitarih Marxist Alleninyin Maoist Revolutionary Communist Party and the American Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal and Peruvian And, and .. Glory to you the greetings and solidarity of revolutionaries and revolutionary in the Himalaya Mountains in Nepal, rebels The rebellious in the mountains of whatever Kojo in Peru and insurgents and rebellious, who resisted the fascists in the mountains, who were Colombia and Ecuador. Glory to you the greetings and solidarity of students who are burdened with militant revolutionaries seized Cells and torture in the prisons of the Moroccan regime fascist. Greetings to you from a revolutionary Marxist Alleninyin Moroccan revolutionaries and all the honorable and good guys revolutionaries in the world. People's war can defeat of fascism and religious nationalism. Ataathrr of Samarra restrictions Oppressive only the barrel of guns. Long live the Intifada students Basra, Erbil and Sulaymaniyah. Death to the fascists and imperialists and their masters who die coalition and alliances with them.

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