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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kansas – moving backward on the environment

Nation-wide, Kansas bucks the national trends. The nation went Democrat in the last election, while Kansas stayed Republican. The rest of the nation is staying away from coal burning plants, while Kansas’ legislators continue to push for a coal burning power plant.

The rest of the nation’s cities are trying to encourage recycling, while Wichita (Kansas largest city) comes in dead last on surveys that track the nation’s cities and their attempts to recycle.

The growth plan for Wichita calls for a building on every piece of land. This policy causes a decrease in plants that can absorb greenhouse gasses, it takes farm land out of production, and increases flooding by taking away from land that can absorb flood water.

Is it just plain greed or a stubbornness to buck liberal ideas? Either way Kansas continues to stick to its backward thinking reputation.

John Prine & Iris Dement- Paradise

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