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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

New drinking law is over-kill

A new law in Kansas will make it easier for police to prosecute parents who have had underage drinking parties on their property. This law makes it easier for police to ignore parents who claim they didn’t know drinking was taking place on their property.
Once again, the moral mental police of Kansas, who really don’t approve of any drinking, are trying to control the thoughts and actions of both adults and their youth. It’s an attempt to change people’s attitudes. This attempt has failed before and will fail again. People’s attitudes can’t be changes by just passing laws.

From The Wichita Eagle:
Apr. 14, 2009
Governor signs stiffer underage drinking law
For story click here.

1 comment:

sekanblogger said...

Otto, dude....
You got a fine war going on here, but where's the troops?
Looks like you get some views but no comments.
Okay, now to the topic.
Screw booze. Crappy drug for drugs sake. Legalize pot, kids will burn their fingers instead of dying in a burning car crash somewhere.
Not to speak of helping fastfood sales.
After all, White Castle started in Wichita, and now we got Kumar in the White House.