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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Gitmo- ultimate hypocrisy

When the US decided to put up the equivalent of a concentration camp for prisoners of war in Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp, both houses of congress supported it almost unanimously. Now that President Barack Obama wants to close it, both houses almost unanimously oppose it.
The main opposition is “not in my backyard.” Some senators have even complained that these prisoners might “radicalize or recruit” our general prison population. They must really be insecure in their belief of this system if they think it is that easy to turn our own citizens against this country. Our two senators from Kansas, Sam Brownback and Pat Roberts, have publicly resisted sending any of these prisoners to their state.
How to try these people after they have been denied all due process, after former President George Bush decided the US would thumb their nose at the Geneva Convention, is another sticky issue. The US has clearly violated these prisoner’s rights. If they are moved to the US will they be treated under US due process?

As a recent Newsweek article stated, this issue will not be resolved soon.

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