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Friday, May 15, 2009

No Torture Photos, says Emperor Obama

In our continued war against those in the Middle-east who oppose our Empire, US President Barack Obama has decided not to allow the release of photos of those Tortured by the CIA. By now the news media has been saturated with articles revealing that the US has used torture against prisoners in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
The logic behind hiding these pictures is they will stir up anger against the US. Of course they would. No person wants to see foreigners come to their part of the world and torture their citizens. It is outrageous. But the US is a military empire and pacification is a part of the process. We must win the hearts and minds of those we wish to subjugate. That isn’t easy when we are exposed for our war crimes and brutal treatment of those whose human rights we have violated.
Our war criminals and torturers should be put on trial. That would show the world that this country is serious about human rights. Obviously this country isn’t and uses a double standard. We put political parties and countries on “terrorist lists” yet we rely on terror to keep our power and prestige in the world. The cover-up of those tortured is one more example of our two face policy in the Middle-east.
At least one person in our Congress, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has the guts to demand the truth on what the CIA has done. She is now accused of being anti-CIA by the Republicans in the Senate. We need to keep speaking out against the CIA and its terrorist tactics.

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