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Saturday, June 06, 2009

Fundamentalist Christians lack a sense of reality

Fundamentalist Christian beliefs are antagonistic towards both science and logic. This example, from a letter to The Wichita Eagle’s editorial page, June 5, demonstrates the ignorance generated by a literal interpretation of the Bible:

“Darwinian evolution and Christianity are mutually exclusive. The unholy trinity of evolution is matter, time and chance, and it is entirely atheistic. Perhaps people purposely deceive themselves in order to be accepted by the intellectual elitists of the day, or are just naive to the significance of the debate. Evolutionists blaspheme God's name by denying His word. Evolution is degrading to the dignity of man, while creation says we are made in the image of God and unique in all of His creation.”

This person actually believes that years of study, observation and research dedicated to understanding the Earth’s development are fiction and the universe was created by a magic show put on by a god. It’s hard to believe than anyone would embrace such illogical beliefs, and yet these letters are common in The Wichita Eagle’s editorial page.

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