Since the Split of the communist Party of Peru, one faction continues the People’s war, under the leadership of Victor Quispe, and the other is pushing for a peace agreement under former guerilla leader Abimael Guzmán.. It is hard to figure out where the Peru People’s Movement (a group of Peruvian Maoists living outside of the country) stands on this issue.
In their publication, the Red Sun they condemn any plans to stop the people’s war with such headlines as:
“New document from the Peru People's Movement, soon to be published in English:CRUSH THE PLAN OF THE REACTION TO ANNIHILATE THE PEOPLE'S WAR THROUGH GENOCIDE AND PARLIAMENTARY CRETINISMPeru People's Movement, December 2009”
And at the same time:
“…..we celebrate the birthday of Chairman Gonzalo, and Leader of the Revolution, and the Day of People's Liberation Army, is a wonderful occasion to reaffirm our greetings and subjection to the leadership of Chairman Gonzalo, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought, principally Gonzalo Thought, our heroic fighting, the Communist Party of Peru and its Central Committee, to your entire address. Así como, saludar, en su día, con pleno optimismo y gran regocijo revolucionario al Ejército Popular de Liberación(EPL), columna vertebral del nuevo Poder, sin el cual nuestro pueblo no tendría nada, al nuevo Poder, que se erige en las Bases de Apoyo y los Comités Populares sostenido y defendido heroicamente por el EPL y firmemente sustentado en las masas en armas . Just as, say hello, once, with full optimism and great joy Revolutionary People's Liberation Army (PLA), the backbone of the new power, without which our people would have nothing, the new branch, which rises in the Bases Support the People's Committees and sustained and defended heroically for the PLA and firmly supported by the masses in arms.”
At the same time, Quispe, the actual leader of the people’s war and the PLA, has called Chairman Gonzalo (Abimael Guzmán) a traitor. Also calling Guzmán a traitor is his long time supporter Luis Arce, publisher of El Diario International. One of his headlines reads, “The advocacy of Betrayal.”
Both the Peru People’s Movement and their support organization in the US, the New Peru Friendship Association, USA, have criticized both the Revolutionary Communist Party and the Kasama Project, the only two well organized Maoist groupings in the US. Both the PPM and the New Peru Friendship have taken the attitude that there is no organized movement for the US proletariat at this time. However, the PPM has continued to support both Guzmán and the “people’s war.” Guzmán has called for an end to the people’s war and condemn those who continue it as ‘mercenaries for criminal organizations.’ This is totally inconsistent with the stand that the PPM has taken. El Diario has it right. To support the people’s war is to support the People’s Liberation Army. That means supporting Quispe. Quispe and his leadership have made little if any contact with the outside world at this time. It’s hard to tell if they will remain in the Revolutionary International Movement (RIM). If the PLA decides to reach out to RIM or any other international or fraternal party, then we can decide who we want to support. Until then, condemning everyone else’s efforts at revolution, including that of the United Communist Party of Nepal (M) is a pointless waist of time.
Know what you’re supporting before you condemn others.
1 comment:
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it.
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