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Monday, January 21, 2013

Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist--7th National Congress

Tasks of the Seventh National Congress

- Indra Mohan Sigdel 'Basanta'

The Seventh National Congress of our glorious party, the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist, is being convened in the second week of January 2013. The Communist Party of Nepal (Unity Centre), which was formed by the unification the erstwhile CPN (Mashal), CPN (splinter Masal), CPN (Fourth Congress) and the Proletarian Workers Organisation, had organised a Congress, 21 years before, in 1992. It was called the Unity Congress because the constituent parties in the Unity Centre lacked a common position on the chronological number of that very congress. Taking that Congress to be the sixth one, our party is going to realize its Seventh National Congress after a long 21 years now. It is a matter of pleasure not only for the oppressed Nepalese people but for the world proletariat.
In the context of world events, 21 years is a very short period. However, many events that have far-reaching significance in the world situation and Nepalese political scenario have occurred in between this period. Events like, the termination of cold war followed by the dissolution of Soviet social imperialism in the 90s, the unrivalled domination of the US imperialism for a brief period and again the emergence of multi-polar world along with the ongoing economic crisis are the events noteworthy in the international political scenario. In the same manner, many accomplishments including the initiation of great people's war under the leadership of the CPN (Maoist), formation of the People's Liberation Army Nepal, setting up of the people's power in the entire countryside and the end of 240 years' old absolute monarchy from the political scene of Nepal are the notable ones in favour of the oppressed Nepalese people.
On the other, a part of the central leadership accompanied by the main leader capitulated before imperialism and Indian expansionism and their running dogs in Nepal. Consequently, they terminated people's war, dissolved people's power, gave in the PLA into Nepal Army, dissolved the Constituent Assembly and as well signed the anti-national treaties like BIPPA, Upper Karnali and Arun III to please their foreign masters. In this way, the Nepalese revolution again suffered a setback as a result of the betrayal by the main leadership. It is a matter of grief for the oppressed Nepalese people and the world proletariat as well.
Nevertheless, the new democratic revolution in Nepal has not undergone a full stop. Rather, it is advancing amid various twists and turns. Rebellion by revolutionaries under the leadership of comrade Kiran amid intensive two-line struggle, reorganisation of the Communist Party of Nepal – Maoist and the convening of its Seventh National Congress etc. speak about the continuity and advance of the new democratic revolution in Nepal. It is a matter of pleasure and glory for the oppressed Nepalese masses and the world proletariat as well.
The political situation, in which the Seventh National Congress of our party is being convened, is not normal. In view of the serious political crisis, the present Nepalese society, which is at the crossroads of revolutionary transformation and regression, cannot remain at status quo for a long time. There exists no option other than revolution under the leadership of the communist revolutionaries or regression led by the agents of imperialism. This situation has posed great opportunities and unusual challenges before this National Congress. One must dare to confront such challenges to attain the goal. This situation in Nepal has demanded a qualitative and historic initiative on the part of our party. The Congress in the offing must accomplish the key tasks as follows.

The first task is obviously related with ideology. We have organisationally split from the neo-revisionists. It is an important and glorious achievement for the Nepalese and the world communist movement. But if someone thinks to have become a genuine Marxist-Leninist-Maoist and no ideological struggle is necessary after this organisational rupture from the neo-revisionists, it is in itself another form of revisionism. Three wrong trends that generally appear in right, centre and left form remain attacking upon Marxism. It is equally true for our party too. A revolutionary must not overlook it. In the context of world communist movement, right revisionism is the main danger. Now, in Nepal Prachanda-Baburam's class and national capitulationism manifested in the form of neo-revisionism has been the main obstacle for revolution. The forthcoming congress must defeat it.

Part 2 will come in a day or two.


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