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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Immigrants are mistreated in Europe

The treatment of immigrants in Europe has been in the news a lot lately. So I am posting these excerpts from an article by the PCm Italy. -សតិវ អតុ

From the Maoist Communist Party, Italy;

Put an end to the horror without end! Imperialism murderer! Imperialist
governments murderers!
Just few days after the horrible Lampedusa massacre of October 3, with more
than 360 deads, more than half women and children, and with 155 survivors
treated in inhumane conditions; while still collecting deceased in
Lampedusa, a new massacre of immigrants happened, on October 11, for now
maybe other 50 deads, and still many children!

Put an end to the horror without end! Imperialism murderer! Imperialist
governments murderers!

Against the crocodile tears of the Italian Government and European States
they are the real responsible for these deaths!

The Italian government is responsible for the Bossi-Fini law which treats
illegal immigrants and pursues them as criminals; for the rejections and
missed rescues at sea; for leaving the inhabitants of Lampedusa and the
rescue men that instead assist and help immigrants alone.
The Italian Government and all European governments are responsible for
imperialist wars, repression, robbery, the poverty of the countries from
which the immigrants are fleeing .

The immigrations of peoples from Africa, from the Middle East, are the
inevitable result of imperialism, that with the economic "arms" of the
capital, with the political "weapons" of the governments closely linked to
it, and by this financed and armed, or by real armies displayed to impose
with the direct war, or through interposed forces, its dominance in
strategic areas, on countries, on proletarians and peoples, creates the
conditions for emigration that will become more massive always and
inevitably as long as imperialism exists.

Politicians are racing both as to hypocrisy and cynicism ...
The vice president of the council of ministers, Alfano, secretary of
Berlusconi's party, announces that "There is no reason to think that what
happened yesterday in Lampedusa is the last time" to play safe. This is an
explicit statement that the government will do nothing waiting for other
massacres, just as was the case on October 11. They not only did not stop,
but do not want to, hoping that these 350 deaths also act as a deterrent to
other immigrants.
And the demand of the "Nobel prize to the island of Lampedusa" actually
sounds like a "death knell" meaning to give it to the deads and not for the

There is no limit to the shame and barbarism of the Italian state and
imperialist government.
THE MURDERERS incriminate VICTIMS youth who just want to escape from the
terror of war, repression, women who do not want to see their children die
of hunger and disease .......

So as without a hint of shame President Napolitano joins the chorus and
charges all responsibility for the massacre on the smugglers, when instead
it's his "Democratic Republic" which forces youth and women not to have
other way to escape from their countries. "If it is true that the you do not
want other deads put a ship Libya-Rome" said the citizens of Lampedusa. The
trips in the Mediterranean on overcrowded boats of fortune are now the only
option for those who want to reach our latitudes and until Italy and Europe
will address the migration flows with repression the travel conditions of
men, women and children will only be at the edge of survival."Make a
humanitarian channel Libya -Roma", "Go and take them from where they live",
etc. . - Asked citizens and the mayor of Lampedusa, as so many people of
common sense. Instead, the Italian Government and the EU have arrived in
Lampedusa confirming all police control policies that have caused, and will
undoubtedly continue to cause, one of the worst genocides of our time.

The Commissioner Barroso went to Lampedusa and beyond the words of
circumstance, what he left? 30 million Euros! There's no denying the
economic superhuman effort .

Letta and Alfano, for their part, with great reluctance "promised" to send
in Lampedusa tents for immigrants, even the kids, not to sleep out in the
cold, wet mattresses for the rain...

The delegation of the government and the EU has tried not to see the inhuman
condition of heavy overcrowding of prisoners in Lampedusa, only the pressure
of the demonstrators and the mayor of the island has imposed a fleeting
observation of the CIE [Centre of identification and expulsion].
AND THEY COMPLAIN, ALSO, THESE ignoble representatives of imperialism! The
EU, first world economic power has welcomed 41 thousand Syrian refugees,
while the small Lebanon holds 752 thousand. In 2012 fell residence permits.
Every year between 2008 and 2010, the number exceeded 500 thousand share, in
2012 they stopped to 246,760.

But the delay in rescue operations, these many, many immigrants who could
have been saved but had not, are the result of a deliberate policy of the
Italian government. How was it possible for the boat to arrive at 800 meters
from the coast without being intercepted by the patrol? Why there were no
Italian patrol boats?

The answer that comes from many quarters is that Italy has spent so a lot of
money to help out, but in the walls of CIE. Between 2005 and 2012 the
Interior Ministry has spent almost ? 1.6 billion, including European funds
for Repatriation and External Borders and the Security National Programme
(SNP). Much of the money made available to (almost 200 million euro per
year) are used to construct, renovate and manage 29 Cie on the territory. In
the same time it was not refinanced the extraordinary plan for reception
which ended because funds exhausted for December 31, 2012.

Then many posters: "Enough with the catwalk", "Politicians: you will have
them on your conscience" identified as the real responsible of the more than
360 dead and of all migrants forced to embark on such dangerous to reach

The day after the massacre, while saying there is no money no resources no
men needed to save immigrants from death, the Government has approved the
extension for international missions of war. Half an hour was enough to find
the money immediately. While pretending to be moved and horrified by (their)
massacre of Lampedusa, they are preparing for war against the dispossessed,
the peoples, the proletarians and the masses. The Italian ministers gathered
Friday, the day of national mourning, observing a minute of silence for the
victims of the sinking, but a minute later approve the request of the
Minister of Defence Mario Mauro and Foreign Minister Emma Bonino, the
refinancing of 25 international missions for two months, from October 1 to
December 31, 2013 , severing a check for 226 million .

Italy, imperialist country, is central to the plans of aggression against
the oppressed peoples and for the suppression of the Arab masses. Today
American troops in Italy are 15% of those in Europe, compared to 5 % in
1991. While in Europe and particularly in Germany - the first line of
defense during the Cold War - the U.S. has reduced by 80 % its troops (from
250,000 in 1989 to 50,000 today), there is a country where the investments
of the Pentagon have increased and the forces are not at all diminished. And
that's Italy that the U.S. have progressively transformed in their "launch
base" for military operations in the Mediterranean and in the Middle East
and where 13,000 American soldiers stationed with 16,000 family members.
In Italy, the Pentagon spent by the end of the Cold War more than $ 2
billion to modernize - to name just a few - the basis of Naples, Aviano (in
Friuli), Sigonella in Sicily, Pisa (the huge arsenal of Camp Darby) and
Vicenza (Camp Ederle). Sum which is limited to those used officially in the
U.S. defense budget and that does not include those used in investment


Imperialism is the largest violence against the peoples, the proletarians,
of 80% of humanity, but more it carries on this reactionary violence and
more itself creates the forces that fight against it, that unite beyond
borders; because the only way to end the imperialist barbarity is the
socialist revolution.

PCm Italy

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